Chapter 6 - First kiss

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Sam reach her mother mansion around 8 o'clock in morning.  When she enter the mansion, she greeted by her mother, Mon is sitting opposite to her mother, they were having morning coffee.
Sam sit on sofa next to her wife, but Mon left and goes toward kitchen,  after a minute she came back with cup of coffee and put infront of Sam without saying a word.

No one talk, Sam keep looking at Mon but Mon just ignored her. Achun excuse herself and went to her room, so that they can talk out.
"Lets go home" its the first word Sam spoke. Sam social skill is not so good. Mon didn't answer,  so Sam asked again
"Lets go Mon".
"I will stay here for a while"
"I want to stay with mom for while"
"No, you are going with me now"

Sam pull Mon hand, that make Mon angry then the drama start. By hearing the noise Achun came out of her room and looked at situations down there.
"What is going on here? I left you two to talk , What did you do Samanun?" Sam role eye and said
"Why mom, am I only bad person here, why are you taking her side"
"This is not about taking side"
"Then what is this?? Did she entertain you too"
"Bunny" "Khun Sam" Both her mother and wife said at same time. They couldn't believe what Sam had said.

As a mother Achun try to control the situation.  She asked Mon to make breakfast and make Sam sit next to her on sofa.
"Bunny, what is this about?" Sam didn’t reply, so her mother continues
"Bunny, as a mother I am sorry to you, I should have listen to you before "
"What about?" Sam thought why her mother suddenly change her tone.
"About your marriage,  I should not asked you to marry Mon"
"Why?" asked dryly
"I should not bring an innocent girl in
between us"
"Still you are taking her side, mom"
"Bunny, I know everything, why you don't open up to her, are you still afraid of opening your heart"
"Why everyone is asking to open my heart?"
"Because its time, its time bunny"
"Mom, I am your daughter but it seems like you know her better, always taking her side"
"Yes, I know her well, she is free and frank and kind to me, not like you. "
By hearing her mother words, Sam encounter
"How could you say she is innocent, do you know her that much, She is always lovey dovey with everyone, I don't even know how she did that "
"Bunny, she care for everyone,  she spread happiness wherever she goes so, people love her, want to spend time with her, but it doesn't means she is romantically engaged with everyone".
"I don't believe it, whats her motive"
"There is no motive, dont you know how much she like you"

Sam didn’t say anything, She know Mon like her, she can see in her eyes but doesn't want to admit. Even she like Mon in many way but her jealously make it worst.

"Bunny listen to mom, I can guarantee,  she is not after anything, she is like that." Achun study her daughter,  she know her daughter is struggling between her heart and brain, so she want to clear the things.
"Ok listen, I will tell you something that I didn't told you yet." Sam look at her mother, her eyes is full of curiosity. 

Achun take a deep breath and said
"First, Mon didn't work at our company. Did you thought that she take advantage by coming to work for me to get you.
When Miss Wentz's company shifted to overseas,  she recommended Mon to me because she worked there, everyone is shifting overseas but your wife doesn't want to leave her parent and country, so Miss Wentz personally asked me to give a job for her, that time I don't have secretary so, I let her work at my company. She is loyal and heard work." Sam listen carefully, Miss Wentz is her mother closed friend.
Achun continue "Its been more than 1 year, she worked for me, she is a bright child she has degree but couldn’t go for further study because of money condition at her home and started to work. That time I don't know that she is daughter of Pohn, but she knew me well, and didn't say anything about it"

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