Chapter 17 - Reconciliation

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Warning ⚠️ ⚠️ 🔞🔞⚠️⚠️

Sam is so happy to be with her family. Her heart is full of love and warmth. She never stop smiling.
She take out her family for lunch, go to park. There is no limit of her happiness. Its like the sun is shining over her head.

After putting Illa to bed, the couple settle at their bed. They are on their side.
"Khun Sam did you sleep on the couch all these time"
"The room itself reminds of you, I can't sleep on this bed without you"
"Khun Sam, I will come to work from next week"
"Ok, as you wish" Mon smile, Sam asked
"You changed"
"I don't know about it but I want to change for good"
"Any new news??"
"Uhmm, company is doing well, I had counseling session every Friday, I missed you and our daughter everyday."
Mon smile, Sam too
"Mon, thank you for giving me a chance, I promised you, I will be good"
"Khun Sam, I never left you in first place, I just need some time"
"I understand, but I am very thankful to you" Sam move closer to her wife, touching Mon face
"Mon, you changed my life in good way" Sam tear start falling down,
"When I saw you laying on hospital bed, that moment I know how much you meant to me"
"Khun Sam---"
"Mon listen to me, let me finish " Mon nod
"I promised that day, I will do anything for you, for our family.
I am sorry for mistreating you, I shouldn't misjudged you in the first place, I am sorry, I am so sorry" Sam cry Mon hugged her wife "Why you are crying, I am here don't cry"

Sam cry like a child, pouring all her emotion out that has been stored up.
Mon cup Sam face "Look at me" their eye meet "I forgave you, even with all those jealously, all those insecurity that was eating you up, I know deep down you love me.
That day when you asked me to leave, my world crash, I don't know how I reach bus stop, its like my feet drag me there.. I sit there for while and I thought, we had so many beautiful memories and beautiful daughter too and I don't want to ruin those beautiful things because of one mistake, so I wanted to run towards you and our daughter, without thinking I was crossing the road, thats how I meet that accident "

"I am so sorry, I shouldn't kicked you out in first place but I thank to God that nothing serious happened to you, otherwise I won't able to forgive myself" Sam said with heavy heart
"When I was at my parent house, I thought about you a lot, there are lots of happy moments with you, I can't ruin that for some mistake"
"Umm, I will try to be a better version of me, help me, guide me Mon my Monmon"
"Ok, you have to follow my lead, next time we will talk out whenever we have doubts,  can you do that"
"Yes, I can, I can "
Sam hugged Mon like her life depends on her, they stayed like that for while.
Then they surrender to the night.

Sam open her eyes, she had best night after long time, she smile when she saw her angel looking at her
"Good morning "
"Good morning " Mon reply
"When you wake up?"
"A while ago, you slept like a baby"
"Yeah I had good sleep after long time"

Mon come closer look at Sam lip, Sam gulped,  Mon's hand caress Sam face. Mon closed the gap, Sam body ignite. Mon try to insert her tongue, Sam happily let her. They had tongue battle, both missed this intimacy, Sam pulled Mon towards her.
Their moment interrupted by Sam phone, it's her mother
"Mom, what a timing" Mon smile
"Bunny, are you drunk??"
"What mom?? what do you want ??"
"Bunny how are you, are you still heartbroken"
"Why would I, my wife and my daughter is with me"
"They came yesterday "
"You care to share with me, what a daughter  are you, What Mon saw in you?"
"Everything "
"Nothing, Mom I am busy call you later"
"Ok bring my daughter-in-law and my granddaughter "
"Ok, on weekend"

Sam start her day with meditation, Mon is making breakfast for the family, Illa is ready for day care. Sam send Illa first, then went to office. Mon take rest at home.

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