Chapter 18 -Special Chapter

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Their life is on good track, Sam try to be better version of herself. Mon is happy to see Sam input in their relationship.

Whenever they had misunderstanding, they talk out. The family love to spend time together like playing indoor games, going out at park, watching TV. Most of time they spent time together before going to bed.

After dinner, the couple were in their bedroom with their daughter.
Mon was just scrolling her phone, Sam was reading story book to their daughter.
"Dada, wats this" Illa pointed to the book
"This is the story of three little pig"
"Piggy quack quack"
"Illa piggy don't quack quack, its oink oink"
Illa laugh "oink oink", Mon look at her two babies.
After a while Illa goes to Mon
"Mama, booby".
Mon bring out her boobs, so Illa could drink her milk, Sam called her daughter
"Illa princess, mama booby is mine, you are old enough, leave mama booby"
"No no, its mine, my booby" Illa said crossing her hand in front.
"No, its mine" Sam move closer to Mon
"No no no " Illa pushed Sam "mine"
Mon laughs and hugged both of her babies.
Illa win in booby.

Time goes by, their relation become stronger.
"Mommy" "Mama" Sam and Illa called when they enter the house with a ball. Mother and daughter duo came back from their play time.
Mon didn't answered, so they went up to the bedroom, Mon is laying on the bed. Sam and Illa try to come towards bed.

"Stop" Mon said, Both stop on their track
Mon continued
"How about you come here after shower, you two must be stinky"
Both snuffed their body, said in unison "NO"
"Even, go to shower first"
"Ok Mommy" " Ok Mama" Both went to bathroom. Mon smile at their behavior.

They came out wearing clean clothes, Illa climb on bed and kiss her mama on cheek, Mon kissed her daughter.
Then, Sam kiss her wife on forhead then her baby bump. Yeah, Mon is 5 months pregnant with their second baby.

When Illa was 3, Mon goes for her second IVF process using her egg.

"What did you play today with dada?" Mon asked Illa
"Dada and me play football"
"Is Dada good at playing football??"
"No mama, she is not good, she is no good in playing any game" Illa laugh
"What?? I played good" Sam defend herself
"No Dada don't lie" Sam caught Illa, and tickle her, both are giggling.
"Enough you two, aren't you tired" Mon asked "Daddy, we are hungry" Mon caress her baby bump.
Sam stop tickling her daughter "Ok, what you want?"
"I want fried chicken and milk tea"
"Ok" Sam said and looked at Illa "And you princess "
"I want chocolate cake"
"You and your cake, ok I will order dinner"

They had good time with each other company.

Meanwhile Sam company is growing. After nine months of pregnancy, Mon gave birth to a baby boy. They name him 'Tay' short for 'Taylor Anantrakutal'.
Their close one congratulations the couple for their new member.

When Illa is 5 years old, Taylor is already 1 year old.
The couple are busy and tired with their babies but it worth, they are happy, Illa love her baby brother very much.
And Bonbon, he always with his siblings, playing.
Illa started going to school.
Sam help Mon whenever she can. Achun send helper from time to time to help Mon at home.
In holiday Sam do all work and let Mon rest, but who can take rest while there is 3 active children in home. They went out every Sunday evening.

The family is sitting in a restaurant after they went to amusement park.
Illa is sitting next to Sam and Sam hold her baby boy on her lap. Mon sit opposite to them. Sam let her family order whatever they like. Sam feed the babies, let Mon enjoy.

On the table next to them, a women is sitting with her coffee.
Mon caught the woman who was looking at them and the woman immediately avert her eyes.
Mon saw the women somewhere but couldn't remember.
Mon looked at the woman again, in the process Sam followed Mon eyes. Sam immediately know who the woman is, so she ignored.

After finishing there food, they went out of the restaurant. Sam hold her son, Mon and Illa is in front of her.
As they walk towards their car, someone called Sam so the family stop their track and turn, that was the woman from the restaurant

"Hello Sam " the woman greeted
"Helloo Louie" Sam said
"Its been long time"
"Yeahh, its been long"
"Umm,,, how are you??" Louie said
"I am good and happy" Sam pull Mon closer to her
"I couldn't contact you all these time" Yeah Sam blocked her from everywhere like every contactable from phone, from every platforms of social media.
"Yeah, I know"
"Can we talk or can I have your number"
"What ???Why ???No !! " Sam took the opportunity
"She is Kornkamon, my wife and our son and daughter" Sam introduced her family to Louie
"Nice to meet you, Kornkamon" Louie said
"You too" Mon reply
"Is there anything you want to say, if no, then can we go, we want to enjoy our family time" Sam said, Mon nudged her wife, she just role her eyes
"No no, carry on, happy to see you"
Louie said with fact smile and left.

Sam puts the babies to bed after a lot of struggle, her kids doesn't want to sleep at all, they want to play with her. And Bonbon too.

The couple are ready for bed, Mon want to asked something to her wife, so she asked
"Daddy who was that woman?"
Sam come closer and hold her wife.
"An ex" Now Mon remember where she saw that woman, she saw her in Sam social media long time ago but younger.
"What do you feel? "
"What to feel, nothing"
"Tell me, I want to know what people feel or think when they saw their ex. I don't have any ex"
Sam smile at her wife innocence.
"Baby you are funny. I am your only relationship, so you miss out about ex'es in your life but believe me there is no good story about ex'es" Sam laugh
"I don't know about other people but for me, I don't feel anything towards her or any other people. My mind is full of You and our babies only, you own my heart mommy"
"Really" Mon asked, Sam nod
"So you want to know about how they cheat or left me"
"If you want"
"Ok, First one was not out as gay so, she scared of her family and other people opinions, so she left me.
Second, she cheat on me with some other girl.
Third, she cheat on me with some dude. The one we met today is the third one, thats all.
Baby thats my past, my past is not beautiful but you are my present and my future, Are you mad at me"
"No!! why would I ? Thats your past"
"Thank you" Sam kiss her wife.
"But I somehow thank them"
"What??Why???" Sam with questioning eyes
"If they doesn't cheat or leave you, I won't be with you"
"No baby, you and me are destine for each other, one way or another. We should be together, our matrimony is fixed in heaven"
"You talk sweet "
"Its not about sweet talk, its true baby"
"What umm?"
"You, you are so sweet"
"I love you" Sam said and kiss her wife
"I love you more".

They were just laying, interwine their hand.
Mon smile to herself, Sam looked at her wife "Whats was that for?"
"Its funny, I remembered something"
"What is that, do you care sharing?"
"You know that I had a big crush on you" Sam just nod her head so Mon continued "So, l used to checked your social media and ogling to your photos, sometimes you post with your ex'es and those day, I had very bad mood the whole day, so Yuki uesd to tease me a lot. I never thought that you will be mine one day" Sam smile by her wife confession and Mon continued
"When mom arranged to met us, that day I was a mesh, I don't know how to looked at you, talk to you. I didn't even eat that day, my whole body tensed"
Sam remember their first meeting, she said "I remembered, first I thought you are pretty but young and shy girl. When I reach home, my mom asked how was the date but I told her I can't marry you"
Mon looked at her wife and said
"I know you really don't like me at first "
"No no, wait listen my whole story"
"She asked why I didn't like you and I said its not that I didn't like you, then she asked why, I said people will say I am a pedophile"

Mon laughs "Why? Do I looked like a kid"
"Yeah, I thought why my mother asked me to marry a kid" Mon laughs harder
Sam continues "But I thank my mom for introducing you "
"So, what you think of me now"
"You, you are my other half, you complete me baby, I belong to you and you belong to me" Sam kiss her wife passionately
"You are so beautiful" she kiss again
"You are everything to me" kiss again
"Most of all you own my heart" This time, Mon kiss her wife and said "Same here you own my heart too"

Sam hold her wife tightly, wishper
"So, let me love you till my last breath, lets grow old together "
"Why not, you stuck with me, even you like it or not" Mon said and smile
"I love you Mommy"
"I love you too Daddy".

Author note:

That's the end of the story. Thank you everyone for reading. If there was any mistake while writing, forgive me.

Stay tune for next story. 😊😊😊

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