- S. Geto - A New One -

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The day has finally arrived, the day I will be introduced to a new class with, allegedly, people similar to me.

It has been kinda hard in the past since going to a regular school brought a lot of unpleasant situations since people and other kids saw me as some kind of monster for being able to see what they weren't, and for being able to use cursed energy while they had no idea about it at all.

I was treated as an outcast my whole life and it has taken a toll on my mental health. I'd like to change it now, I want to be surrounded by people who understand and support me.

"Y/N, please come inside. You will have to introduce yourself to the class." - Yaga stood in front of me and patted my shoulder - "I know you're scared and shy but they are good students... Well most of them..." - Yaga put on a devestated and annoyed face. I laughed a bit trying to calm down.

Yaga entered the classroom first and called me inside.

"Please welcome our new student. Y/N, feel free to introduce yourself."

My head hung low as I was too scared to look up at all the students, even though from what I could see there wasn't many of them. I managed to gather some courage to look at them all and to be honest, I was taken aback by the grinning face of a guy with white hair. I smiled back nervously, a sweat drop almost falling from the side of the face.

The guy beside the white haired one did a karate chop on his head and told him to chill out and that he is scaring me which lead to a whole comedy show between them.
Yaga could only close his eyes in disappointment.

"Hello everyone, my name is L/N Y/N. I hope we will get along well." - My voice was quiet and I hoped they heard what left my mouth.

Surprisingly, they were welcoming and accepted me quite fast. Of course, it has taken some time for me to adjust and get to know all of them, but one person that got close to me was exactly the one who "protected" me since the moment I entered that classroom.

Suguru and me became close friends and I don't know what I would do without him. He has taught me so much, from using cursed energy in the right way, to martial arts, and some other things in life that I wasn't aware of.

Our ideas and thoughts were almost the same, even though a bit dark sometimes, we still understood each other very well. We became each other's biggest support and every day, we strived to help each other with everything and anything.

Some time passed now, I would lie if I said that feelings didn't develop between us.
I was gathering courage to confess for so long but every time I decided to tell him about my feelings, those words never left my mouth.

Until one day, when we sat in his room on the floor, watching outside of the window and talking about the pain other people caused to us and others. How we can't stand insensitive people, evil people, people who have limited knowledge and tolerance to differences.

"Y/N, if I were to ever leave this school and pursue my dreams and ideas, would you go with me? Would you stay by my side?"

"Yes, of course. I wouldn't let you go ever. Because in this f-ed up world, you are the only light guiding me."

I think that that moment really made him realize what I was feeling and how far gone I was.

That moment, when he turned towards me and faced me with such a warm, genuine smile will never leave my head. That smile will forever be plastered in my eyes and in my memories.

And the way his hand slid across my face to move away the hairs falling on it, that gentle touch, the soft fingers, everything about that touch was melting my insides. It felt like I would explode in a thousand colors and butterflies at once.

And the gentle kiss that followed the fingers on the side of my face, and my hands that just didn't know what to do except rest in the air, pressed into fists, but they were not meant to hurt.

And the look he gave me when we separated, the gentle look with a small smile that only grew bigger when my face became so red I had to bury it into his chest.

That moment was my favorite one.
And every other moment I had with him. Every minute was spent doing everything and nothing, going on missions, hanging out with our friends, teasing Gojo, and so on.

His hand never let go of mine. What a beautiful light he is in this world so cold.

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