Very Important Opening Author's Note

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Is everyone here? Splendid.

This fic is posted on both Ao3 and Wattpad, and there are major differences in the versions on either platform. While trying to avoid spoilers, we'll describe them here.

The Wattpad version is a more traditional Erik x reader fic. It's largely fluffy, and it's a cozy read. You could argue it's a more romanticized view of Erik. There are, however, themes of murder (though the violence is typical to the fandom and nothing too harsh). There's also two smut scenes, though they're fairly tame. If you want an easier read or you're opposed to the sensitive subjects described in the next paragraph, please stick to the Wattpad edition.

The Ao3 version is darker, and the relationship between Erik and Y/n is far more toxic. It's arguably more realistic, though we know that's down to interpretation. You all can think whatever you'd like about Erik's character, and maybe you simply choose the Wattpad version because it's more aligned with chill, sexy ALW Erik. That's totally fine. In the Ao3 version, there are also two extra smut scenes, totaling four in the entire book. The violence goes beyond canon-typical and involves two graphic attempted murders and a successful murder which is far more explicit in the Ao3 edition. There's also heavier themes of domestic abuse and infanticide. If you can tolerate reading about these themes, feel free to find us on Ao3. Our handle is the same on either platform.

Overall, both versions have the same plot and endgame, but the subtext and additional scenes in the Ao3 edition tend to give everything a heavier, more mature atmosphere.

Note for people reading this A/N on Wattpad: The Ao3 edition is combined with A Girl's Desire to be one work. Through our research, we found that Ao3 doesn't support sequels as well Wattpad, so there's our solution to that issue. If you want to skip straight to A Woman's Devotion on Ao3, it begins at chapter seven.

Why did we decide to do this? Reasonable question, reader, so let us put it bluntly: we started with the Wattpad edition, intending to only do that. As we wrote, little moments began diverging from our outline in intensity. The changes were interesting enough for publication, so we soon concluded on writing two versions and leaning into the darker elements on the Ao3 edition. Ao3 supports darker works better, so the more intense version ended up there. Wattpad, on the other hand, prefers more light-hearted projects, and that made our choice obvious.

We hope you enjoy the reading experience, whichever version you choose to indulge in. So, without further ado, here's A Woman's Devotion!

Sincerely, Samantha and Beth.

A Woman's Devotion (Phantom Of The Opera x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now