Closing Author's Note

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After a wild journey, we've finally reached the end. We hope it fulfilled everybody's crazy hopes and dreams. This saga had so much time, love, and devotion (see what we did there?) behind it, taking about half a year in total to complete. We are indescribably thankful for everyone who has smoothed out that difficult writer's road with kind words and support. You all have made this endeavor worth every minute.

I hope you aren't tired of us already because we plan to stick around for a while, even if AGD and AWD are over. We have a few more projects lined up, and although they may take a while to reach you, we refuse to rush quality.

And what are those projects? The main one involves time travel, unexpected romances, a rotten papaya, sleepover games gone wrong, and not one, but TWO protagonists. But things are not as they seem. Two small-town girls, who are thrust into the world of operas and intrigue, will discover this seemingly perfect world is brimming with lies and a deep running secret, ready to collapse the universe around them. Welcome to the glory we have titled To Outwit an Angel.

Once again, we can not thank you all enough. You have adorned our journey to this moment with sunshine and flowers, and interacting with each one of you is often the highlight of our days. Together, we make this fandom so, so much fun, and that's something to be proud of.

So goodbye for now (but not forever). Stay beautiful, phandom!

Love always, Samantha and Beth.

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