1. The Interrogation of Meg Giry

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Meg Giry's POV:

I was hauled in, my wrists handcuffed at my back.

The room was dark, other than a single Edison bulb hanging from the ceiling on a wire. A rough wooden table with two chairs sat directly under it.

 "I'm Hervé Mattis, sûreté chief. pleased to meet you, mademoiselle. I trust this interrogation will be fast? So long as you don't have anything to hide."

He smiled in a way that was meant to put me at ease, but that alone made it obviously fake.

 "I'm not a criminal! What the hell is this even about?"

 "You were at the scene of the crime, mademoiselle."

 "Oh, right! The one against Christine? She and I are practically sisters! Do you really think I'd have a role in this that hurt her?"

He shook his head and smiled again. He was charismatic, but I wasn't falling for it.

 "Protocol is protocol."

 "This is ridiculous! Ever heard of a case-by-case basis? I know nothing of this! I just outran the mob."

 "This is a serious matter. A matter of murder, kidnapping, and arson. We need to find the man who inflicted this." He said calmly.

If they weren't handcuffed, I would've crossed my arms and probably stuck my tongue out. As for now, I slouched in the chair, an uninterested pout on my face.


 "To begin, are you aware of the disappearance of Y/n L/n?"

 "Yes. The Phantom dragged her to his lair, but the search party couldn't find her."

Mattis scribbled something on his notepad.

 "We already alerted her family."

 "Splendid." I said sarcastically.

 "What did you see when you got to this phantom's lair?"

 "Well, the mob had already dropped a torch. Burning your evidence, I presume. The Phantom also set a pile of papers on fire too. Sheet music, I think. Since the fire was getting scary and we didn't find anything else, including the Phantom, we all left after that."

 "I see..." More scribbling in his notepad. Finally, he glanced up. "And did Mademoiselle L/n have any affiliation with this man?"

 "She knew his score, and Christine told me that Y/n told her that she knew the Phantom by 'happenstance'. I don't believe that, though."

 "And why is that?" Mattis asked, a hopeful glimmer in his eye.

 "Just not as interesting."

His posture stiffened, the good-natured expression slipping off.

 "We're not playing games. You need to act professionally."

 "I don't think it's very professional to force an innocent young woman to spend a night in jail, simply because the rest of the mob was slow. You made me spend the night in February temperatures, no less, monsieur! It was freezing last night!"

 "You were at the scene, and we couldn't have you running off. Thus, the night in jail was a necessity. Protocol, if you will. Now, do you have any more information on the case of Y/n's kidnapping?"

 "She fell into a pit of rats."

 "Pit of rats?" Chief Mattis asked, fighting to keep his composure.

 "The Phantom had a pit of rats, and since I was in the front of the mob, I saw her fall in. She was screaming for someone named... Erik? Yes, that was the name! The Phantom came and pulled her out. He had Christine with him, but the mob had to go the other way so they didn't fall into the pit of rats as well."

 "You're positive this phantom orchestrated the pit of rats?"

 "The floor fell out from in under her! Of course, he did!"

 "And you said she was calling for an Erik? Is that correct? Then, this Phantom came and saved her?"

 I sighed with frustration, saying, "yes, I already told you that."

He looked almost giddy with excitement at this. Then, without a word, he departed from the room and left me alone. I tilted my chair back out of boredom, but after almost cracking my skull open, I stopped.

 "Thank you, Mademoiselle Giry. We have a name for the man now." 

He released my handcuffs.

 "The Phantom's name is Erik?"

 "It appears so."

 "That's anticlimactic. Pretty freaking boring if you ask me."

 "I didn't. Good day."


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