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She yanked his jacket off as he pulled the top bodice down of her red ball dress with a firm movement exposing her tits to his leering view, the bodice corset just underneath her breasts pushing her tits up high and she ripped his shirt down the middle pulling the scraps of material off his arms baring his chest, "Why are you playing these games with them? just kill the lot of them already," She demanded roughly, as he lifted and bunched the long red dress around her waist and ripped her knickers off lifting and slamming her up against the brick wall outside in the compound's backyard, Hayley wrapped her legs around his waist tightly digging her high heels into his arse viciously as she undid the button and fly of his dress pants.

"Because I like playing games, you know that better than anyone little wolf," He sneered smirking as his teeth pulled her nipple, she growled pulling on his cock furiously rubbing the thick head on her wet slit, "I will kill the lot of them when I'm ready," He lifted his head from her nipple gleaming with his saliva and smashed his mouth down on hers, spearing into her violently biting her bottom lip as she pulled his hair and growled into his mouth her hips working frantically against his pelvis, Klaus rammed up into her harder he tore his lips from hers sucking the blood off her cut lip from his descended right fang and open mouth kissed and sucked her neck, "Didnt you enjoy the game of Elijah and Tristan fawning all over you tonight?" He drawled harshly his cock plunging vigorously into her tight cunt over and over his fingers pulling the pins from her hair so he could wrap his fist in the long silky lengths, "Meeting the arrogant pompous, haughty intellects? you outwitted them all little wolf," He growled proudly as her cunt clamped down hard around his cock, "You and.....Marcellus."

She gasped as his cock hit the back of her cervix, "It was fun..... outwitting....them," She agreed gasping, biting his neck with human teeth and raking wolf talons down his back and sinking them into the flesh of his tight arse along with the heels of her shoes, his eyes glowed amber and he pulled her hair so her face was looking at him, she panted glowing her own hybrid eyes at him and snarled, "Harder, fuck me harder hybrid," He snarled and pound into her at hybrid speed her hips keeping up with him, her low growl of satisfaction and pleasure making his cock swell inside her and his fangs dropped and he sank them into the flesh of her soft scented neck feeling her cunt convulse around him, her body shuddering against him with her climax, then her own sharp fangs in his neck, the razor talons in his arse excruciatingly exquisite and painful, he exploded in a eruption of hot fluid inside her still thrusting until he had expelled every last drop of his seed in her wanting to fill her sweet tight cunt with all of him, she lifted her fangs from his neck and blew out a long breath, retracting her talons from his arse. Klaus breathed into the soft scented flesh of her neck again his own scent mingled with hers, and let her slip back to her feet her dress falling back to the ground and she adjusted the bodice so her tits were covered again and he put his cock back in his pants and zipped himself up.She bent and picked up her torn knickers handing them to him as he put his jacket back on and picked up his torn shirt, balling them and putting them both in his pocket, his chest bare, but for his open jacket.

"Now you can go home to your pathetic weak husband, seeing as I have fucked you suitably, because he certainly can't can he love? my cum dripping out of you all night to remember me by," He smirked arrogantly, she rolled her eyes at him.

"And you can go write sweet sappy sonnets to your weak pitiful Camille, who you aren't even fucking," She retorted, "Still feeling my tight cunt around your cock, my talons dug in your arse making you cum like a fire hose." She smirked at him.

He chuckled evilly, "Both Jackson and Camille serve a purpose, come tomorrow, bring Hope, I will send Freya out to walk her in the pram to the park and send everyone else in the house on errands, I want you in my bed for several hours, we haven't had enough sex today, I am nowhere near satisfied."

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