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The doors were opened to the sea container the following morning. Klaus stood at the entrance looking at Elijah and Marcel, behind them human construction workers with hard hats in work clothes compelled by Elijah and Marcel stood waiting with a fork lift, "Make sure they transfer the container smoothly, I don't want Hayley bounced around like a beach ball inside the metal box Elijah," Klaus ordered gruffly.

"Of course Niklaus I have already given orders to that effect, you will both be lifted smoothly and carefully, once we reach the compound a crane is on site, chains will be hitched to the container and you will be airlifted inside to the courtyard, there will be some movement of course as the container is lifted into the air but the engineer assures me there is little swinging or swaying once in the air, though brother neither of you are fragile beings," Elijah frowned.

"Klaus is right Elijah, Hayley has been through enough we don't need to make the transference process any more uncomfortable than it needs to be," Marcel piped up knowing the female hybrid was pregnant again. Marcel wanted her as unharmed as Klaus did, Elijah looked in consternation at Marcel and Niklaus, the two where like mother hens over Hayley a role he had played at the beginning of Hayley's pregnancy himself and shrugged at least Niklaus was thinking of Hayley's needs.

"We need to close the doors again while we transport you," Elijah commented, Klaus nodded and went back to the mattress which Hayley was sitting on dressed in clean clothes and Klaus blew the candles out, the container becoming pitch black as the doors were closed. Klaus sat behind her on the mattress his back against the rigid steel wall of the sea container and pulled Hayley back against him in between his bent legs to buffer and protect her body from movement, once the container was being moved and he placed his hands on her flat stomach she smiled putting her own hands over his when the heard the start of the machinery and heard the screeching sound of metal as the steel forks were inserted into the container and they were being lifted and moved.

"You know it probably wasn't a good idea in hindsight to have Elijah ready this container for my sired," Klaus admitted into her hair, she chuckled.

"You think?" She teased, "Not bad though in the four years I have known you this is the first mistake you have let your ego rule you in this and the sentura had to be used even if you kept it hidden, it was lurking there ready to be used now it has and none of your enemies can never use it against you. If Freya and Davina can break the seal and spell......"

"When Freya and Davina break the spell little wolf," He interrupted, expressing himself with certainty.

"I really don't want the baby born in here," She uttered.

"Nor I," He agreed. As they felt themselves moved along the road in a truck.

"Have you ever been spelled inside before?"

"Mmm I have, the Gilbert living room for one. I watched as Kol burnt as I sat sealed in the lounge room with his ashen corpse on the kitchen floor and have been spelled into rooms many times, a sea container is a first though," He chuckled as the heard the truck stop and shouts and movement, hard metal clanging sounds as they were lifted from the back of the truck and lowered to the ground the sounds of chains inserted into the slots at the base of the sea container.

"You are being lifted into the air Niklaus and Hayley," Elijah informed them and they heard the chains on the outside grow taut with tension and then felt the container lift up, the slight swinging motion. Klaus pressed his thighs and knees into the sides of her body to keep her still from the slight movement, she smiled at his protectiveness. He had been protective over her pregnancy with Hope, even in battles he always put himself in front of her, but he was more so with this child she acknowledged. He had been different after coming back from his trip away with Kol, just little things, not so rigidly commanding to her, his touch more gentle, his repeated insistence that it was just the two of them now, that he was done using themselves as strategic players in his games of dominating and bending others in his ruthless machinations. Because he had softened she had found her own armour softening with him, pleased the games were over and they could be open. She turned and looked at his face in the dark, she saw his lips curl into a smile as he looked back at her, flashing his hybrid glowing eyes at her she laughed lightly and smashed her lips against his, insistent until his mouth opened under hers, kissing her back with equal passion.

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