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Kol and Klaus were sitting in some bar in West Virginia after a day of blowing up Kingfisher company buildings, "The three of them had this planned for years didn't they?" Kol looked at his brother as he took a sip of bourbon, seeing Nik deep in thought about something, Klaus took a while to respond.

"Yes, decades of planning probably, not that it did them any good in the end." Klaus concluded.

"What is troubling you? Is it your sireline? Rebekah's sireline?" Klaus looked at him blankly.

"No, why would that trouble me? I'll just kill the lot of them.," Klaus replied nonchalantly.

"Right of course you will, it's just that your mind is miles away, so I thought you were troubled, did you hear Camille did transition in the end, Davina was telling me she went ripper for a week or so but Vincent and Marcel managed to settle her down, now you have your therapist slash...." Kol stopped seeing the cold look in his brother's eye.

"She is no longer my therapist nor anything else, Camille was just a planned diversion and it worked didn't it? Aurora and Lucien focused their attention on her and left everyone else alone." Klaus snapped and Kol frowned puzzled at his brother's mood.

"Bloody hell Nik your like a bear with a sore head, okay the talk was you were close to Camille it wouldn't be the first time you have used a woman for ulterior motives it's what you've done since coming to the big easy, calm down Nik, Davina and Vincent, Elijah and Rebekah even, were convinced you had feelings for her," Kol shared.

"I do not. What of Rebekah and her hex? Is Freya and Davina any further along with healing her?" Klaus asked agitated but calmer baffled as to why he was feeling like this snappy, aggravated by this trip, the length of time it was taking to finish these bloody offices, being away.

"They are close another day and they should have Rebekah un-hexed," Kol remarked.

"Finally," Klaus muttered pulling into the parking bay at the side of the compound.

Kol snickered, "We haven't been away for years, Nik."

"Bloody feels like it," He complained, getting out of the car slamming the door closed and going to the back for his bag and walking briskly into the compound Kol just shook his head, he was a strange bloke at times his brother.

Klaus couldn't smell or hear her and he snapped at the first person he saw, which was Elijah, "Where is Hayley and Hope?" He demanded cantankerously, Elijah quirked a brow to him.

"Hello to you too Niklaus, Hayley and Hope are still living in the bayou," He could see the fire and anger in his brother's eyes and frowned.

"Hayley informed me the pack need her right now with her husband's death," Klaus snorted and whooshed away from Elijah upstairs, Elijah looked after him with turbulence, hoping Niklaus was not going to harm her or badger her, she had made it very clear that her and he were over but he still cared about her specially when it came to his volatile, impetus brother.

"Where are you going?" Elijah came out of his study asking, when he heard the familiar tread on the staircase.

"To see my Daughter," Klaus snapped, walking away in a hurry. Elijah just shook his head, Niklaus and his mercurial behaviour.

"Hello...." Elijah once again left his study going back into the courtyard seeing Camille standing there fidgeting, "Hi Elijah I was hoping to see Klaus, I saw Kol with Davina and assumed Klaus was back," She remarked hesitantly.

"Niklaus had some urgent business to attend to Camille. Can I give him a message?"

"Umm, if you could ask him to visit me at home," She asked quietly with a small smile.

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