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Klaus knocked on her apartment door and heard Hope giggling. She smiled widely at him as Hayley opened the door with Hope on her hip, Hope lunged at him, Klaus caught her and nuzzled her neck gently and followed Hayley in closing the door behind him.

"I need Hope's white knight," She looked at him.

"It is her favourite chew toy for teething," She warned him, knowing Hope would not settle without it.

"I will carve her another one, that one is white oak." Hayley's eyes widened in horror and whooshed to Hope's room, coming back with it in an instant. He smiled at his little wolf, her loyalty unquestionable in regards to the Mikaelson family and he knew she would do anything, fight anyone to help him fight his enemies, all she wanted was for Hope to grow up with the two of them as parents to their daughter.

"Put it in the sink pour bourbon on it and light it," He instructed, she did as he asked and the three of them watched as it burnt to ash, Hope entranced at the fire from her Father's arms, Hayley turned the tap on and washed the ash down the drain.

"Are you coming over shortly?" He asked her, nuzzling Hope's head.

"I have a few more things to pack then we'll be there," He kissed Hope then whooshed Hayley from the windows and slammed his lips on hers, Hope giggling as her parents kissed, he pulled away smiling at their daughter and handed her back to Hayley and was gone, Hayley looked down at Hope who was looking at her with big blue eyes.

"Your Daddy is a tornado," Hope giggled and bounced in her arms happily.

"So you're the Mother of Nik's child, Hayley Marshall correct," Hayley turned to the voice after zipping her dress in her bedroom at the compound, Freya thankfully had taken Hope. "You are married, why did you not take your husband's name? Are you too modern for such old customs?" Aurora asked, tilting her head to the side and eyeing the brunette tall and slender with compelling hazel eyes, quite a beauty.

"My name has always been Hayley Marshall I saw no reason to change it," She replied calmly looking the short red head over dismissively, Aurora saw her look of dismissal.

"Do you know who I am?" Aurora demanded, snappishly annoyed at the confident woman before her.

"No but I can take a guess, Aurora, sister of Tristan De Martel." Hayley replied flatly.

"Yes I am and Nik's one true love," She barked, Hayley just looked back at her with hostility.

"Good for you, what do you want? you have your brother back so what could you possibly want walking into enemy territory?" And watched as Aurora started to move around picking things up and Hayley stealthily moved closer to the red head.

"I wondered why Nik never came to rescue the lovely but fearful pathetically weak human girl he is supposedly so in love with, instead he sent Marcel to rescue her, Marcel's excuse was Nik needed to see Lucien, but It got me to thinking, Nik likes to play white knight," Hayley snorted and chuckled, Aurora lifted a questioning eyebrow to her, "You don't think so shewolf, Nik is very protective of those he loves and cares for, I think he cares for you."

"He cares for me as much as he would care for any woman that is the Mother of his child, beyond that he doesn't care and I can take care of......" She whooshed and pulled Aurora's heart out of her chest, taking the redhead completely unaware, Hayley using the advantage of Aurora turning her head to look at the framed photo of Klaus and Hope on her dressing table. Hayley dropped Aurora's heart on top of her body and stepped over the grey dessicated form on her way to the bathroom, finishing her sentence with a, "Myself, I can take care of myself, bitch," Washed her hands clean and looked in the mirror, free of blood splatter her black dress hiding any evidence if there was telltale blood spatter, she walked out of her room to go downstairs seeing Klaus before reaching the staircase, her voice cold, "Your ex is dead on the floor in my room," He grinned proudly at her and watched her hips and arse in her tight black dress as she descended the stairs with a lecherous smirk.

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