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Klaus walked into the compound, throw rug around his hips, chest bare and blood covered, as were his face, arms and legs, his blue eyes flat and hard.

"Niklaus...." Elijah whispered his brown eyes pained looking at his brother with a grief stricken face , Rebekah whooshed to the upper story railing with Hope in her arms her eyes pained and sad. Freya joined Rebekah with a sorrowful look on her face.

"I need your phone Elijah," Klaus ordered putting a bloody palm out to him and Elijah delved into his inside suit pocket and pulled his phone out and handed it to Niklaus.

"Joshua, I need a large hikers pack, also have some of Marcel's vampires get and deliver a king size mattress to the warehouse, deliver the pack to me at the compound, do not dally Joshua." He ended the call and handed the bloody phone after wiping it on the throw rug back to Elijah, "Freya I need you in my room," Klaus commanded walking up the stairs and going to his room Freya hurried behind him into his room and then the bathroom Klaus turned the tap on and closed the door behind her, "The baby, is the power still...."

"Yes Klaus the baby is still alive." She assured him, Klaus nodded.

"Leave....Freya," He ordered softly turning the tap off and going to the shower he turned it on and stepped under the scalding water.

Once dressed he gathered a sketchbook and pencils putting them down on the bed, he grabbed extra henley tops and another pair of jeans, he went to the art room and grabbed fresh candles, matches and candle holders. Novels and books he knew Hayley liked to read, a knock on his door had him turning and opening it to Kol who handed him the pack, "What can I do to help Nik?" Knowing what Nik intended to do, also that to argue with him would be useless.

"Bourbon, water bottles enough for a weeks worth of water for two people, those infernal bird seed protein bars Hayley finds so worthy of eating," Kol smirked at his description silently agreeing with him, "Blood bags more than enough for two people for a week," Kol nodded, "Ask the staff to cook her favourite meal and put it in a takeaway container, tell them speed is essential." Kol whooshed away. Klaus packed the items he had laid on the bed, then carried the pack to Hayley's room, Rebekah already there putting clothes on the bed for Hayley with Hope on her hip, Klaus took Hope from her as Rebkah folded and put Hayley's belongings in the large long pack, "Hope Daddy needs to go and protect Mommy," Hope tapped the side of his face her blue eyes intent on him, "Mommy and Daddy will be away for little while, but Auntie Rebekah will be here to look after you and the rest of your family will be here, they will be busy with jobs I will be assigning them, but they will be here and hopefully in a short time you will be able to see Mommy and I again, be a good girl for you Aunt Rebekah," He kissed her cheek and her forehead nuzzling her neck as she babbled and said.

"Mama, Dada go away," Klaus looked at Rebekah who was watching them her eyes glistening.

"I will look after her and keep her safe, Nik," She promised.

"I know you will," Klaus replied, kissing Hope again and handing Hope back to Rebekah, he kissed Rebekah's cheek and went out to the living room, Rebekah following him with Hope. The house staff stood silently with the items he had asked Kol for on large trays, Kol took the back pack from him and started to load the goods into the pack. "Freya you and Davina are to find a spell to break the seal for a human to be able to enter the container, I have enough provisions for a week so I need you to find a solution before that time runs out." They both nodded to him, Freya knowing how imperative it was that food and blood get to Hayley in particular. "Once that is done you can work on breaking the sentura seal completely."

"We are already looking into this Klaus but it is a complicated spell." Freya voiced.

"Yes I understand that Freya, but it has been used so that should make it less complicated. I am aware it will take time Freya but I have full faith in your magic and Davina's magic and use Kol, you know he is a walking history book on witches and their spells," Kol snorted and smirked as he packed.

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