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Marcel, Freya, Elijah, and Hayley holding Hope along with Klaus were in the living room, "Cami is not completing the transition, she never wanted to be a vampire, Vincent will stay with her to the end...." He looked at Klaus, "Do you want to see her before...." Elijah halted as Niklaus interrupted him.

"No," Klaus replied coldly, "I told her years ago not to become embroiled in our affairs, she chose to disregard my warning, we have more important matters to attend to," Klaus pulled his phone and pressed a number, putting it on speaker he put the phone on the bar.

"Why are you calling Davina?" Marcel asked, confused.

"We are allies," Klaus remarked as Marcel and Elijah's eyes widened at the news.

"Klaus," Davina answered.

"We are now discussing our next move Davina, I want you in on this call, Elijah you are to die every vampire in your sireline will die along with you, Freya you will put a protection spell on Elijah's body so when he burns the fire will extinguish itself before he turns to ash, you will put Elijah in the blue pendant with Finn before we start, once his body is dead I will stake him." Klaus announced and they all stood there with their mouths open in shock, Elijah was the first to recover.

"That is ......sinister...a diabolical.... plan Niklaus.....a truly machIavellian move...." Marcel nodded in agreement with Elijah's words, still speechless, "But the last of the white oak has been destroyed," Elijah finished looking at his blue eyed brother he was truly heinously fiendish and fearless when it came to outwitting others, knowing suddenly from the look in Niklaus' eyes to have suggested such a plan he must have white oak.

"I have powerfully cloaked white oak stake from Mystic Falls," He announced turning to Freya, "Can the pendant hold Elijah and Finn?" He asked.

"No need to hold us both Freya brought me back last night," Finn walked in, "You are truly diabolical Niklaus," Finn announced to him, Klaus smirked.

"The pendant will work even more so with Elijah's consent," Freya looked at her dark eyed brother.

"And I will have the power to bring back Kol, fyi, the Ancestor's are fuming, Vincent called me, he said something about their plans being thwarted, I have no idea what that means but thought I'd share it with you," Davina announced over speaker Klaus smiled devilishly which did not go unnoticed by those in the room.

"Of course let us start," Elijah agreed easily, he would do anything for the family. Elijah took off his suit jacket hung it on the back of the chair and lay on the sofa, Freya hurried off to get what was needed for the spell, Hayley looked at her phone a text coming in and departed the room Klaus watched her leave with Hope and followed her. Marcel vamp sped away to go the the Strix Mansion and keep eyes on Elijah's sired.

"Where are you going?" He demanded of Hayley leaving.

"To the bayou Jackson's heartless dead body was dumped there," She avoided his eyes but saw him nod and turn back to the living room.

Klaus watched as Freya held the blue pendant necklace in one hand her other hand on Elijah's head and chanted, the air in the room seemed to thin and stretch and a heavy buzzing sound like a swarm of bees were close filled the room and then it was over and Elijah lay still and motionless his heart not beating, Freya looked at Klaus, "Elijah's consciousness is in the pendant, Elijah is in the pendant," Freya announced.

"And you have spelled his body so it will not burn to complete ash?" Klaus asked her.

"Yes Klaus his body will ignite for a short time then extinguish itself," Freya confirmed as Klaus nodded and pressed his phone.

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