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He walked into her room and saw the pile of white sage sticks in a neat arrangement on her dressing table, Freya certainly worked fast, he thought, unless Hayley had asked her for them. Klaus picked one up and lit the end, waiting till it was smoking and lay the smudge stick down on a flat dish near the table close to the balcony french doors, turning to the bathroom where he could hear Hope in the bath telling Hayley something using more words that were now understandable and easier for the adults of the family to comprehend. He and Hayley had been able to interpret their daughter for sometime knowing her needs almost intuitively, but Klaus smiled with affection hearing Hope's clear formed words clearly, he paused thinking back to her birth and how fast these last four years had gone by and now he had impregnated the little wolf again.

Klaus walked into the bathroom and crouched down beside Hayley next to the bath both mother and daughter with broad smiles, "Dada," Hope splashed the water seeing him and water arching up hitting both him and Hayley and Hope giggling thinking this was a good game, Hayley laughed looking at the water running down Klaus' face and she leaned over with the towel in her lap wiping his face, he caught her eye and she smiled back at him a lightness and gentleness to her hands as she wiped the dripping water from his eyes and he was struck by the contrast of her soft touch in this moment, their fucking always rough and demanding and because of the nature of their secret affair they never touched in public, or rarely did they physically make a connection when others were around.

Klaus fed and rocked a freshly bathed and dressed Hope ready for bed and watched her droopy eyelids close, he put the empty bottle down beside him and stayed holding her rocking her gently looking down at his littlest wolf. Hayley had given him Hope, given him something he never thought possible this beautiful child he loved unconditionally, his emotions overwhelming him he stood and lifted Hope higher to his face, kissing her and lay her in her cot and went back into the bedroom to see Hayley come out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He took a deep breath in through his nose, Freya was right even her freshly cleaned body smelt like him, his scent wafted from her and wondered if it was the child in her womb. This child's scent was stronger than Hope's was and pondered if it was because this was their second child together.

"What is it? Do I need to shower again?" She snarked, "You have a strange look on your face, do I smell funky?" She asked, smelling herself, having seen him take a deep breath in and he smiled walking to her his hands sliding down her bare arms.

"No," he chuckled , loosening her tucked towel and her reaching for his henley and pulling it up his torso and over his head tossing it on the floor, her fingers going to the waistband of his jeans and undoing them deftly like she had been for years, his hands roaming her slender body as she undressed him, he stepped out of his jeans already barefooted and picked her up laying her on the bed, she looked at him with a crease between her brow and cupped his face hazel eyes inquisitive as they stared into his.

"Are you okay? Did something happen today I should know about? Are your sired here?" He shook his head and lowered it kissing her and trailing light kisses down her neck and over her breast sucking in each nipple and down her slender torso lingering on her flat stomach, no heartbeat as yet, he acknowledged to himself and spread her legs lifting one over his shoulders sinking his mouth to her core kissing and sucking her clit feeling her fingers in his hair stroking his scalp her touch gentle and rhythmic as she moaned softly, her pussy quivering against his mouth, her strangled cry as she arched and climaxed, he firmly licked her through her orgasm until her shudders slowed he lifted himself above her and slid up her body threading his fingers through hers and placing both their hands at either side of her head and slipped his hard cock inside her, watching her closely, entranced by her, her legs wrapped high around his waist her moan of pleasure as he thrust deeply into her, her tight core engulfing him, swallowing him whole like she had been doing for the past four years. Hayley Marshall had been made for him, he decided through his haze of fervent passion.

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