Heisei Mothra x Shy Male Moth Reader

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(I debated whether or not to make you all just a normal moth or not, I decided not.)

Mothra at long last had made it to the asteroid that was pre-destined to destroy Earth, but instead, be destroyed by Battra. Battra though was not only killed but his spirit had been sealed in the ocean with Godzilla. Or at least she hoped. That monster, his rage, and power, she doubted even divine magic could pin a creature like that, the most the seal could do is hold him down for a while, hopefully when she returns and can lay an egg. Her fairies though should be attaining Earthly matters while it is without her, but she felt bad for Battra in a way. He wasn't bad by any means, he simply looked and seemed evil as he seemed to whip out all humans, but the intentions behind his actions were noble. She was caught up in her mind again, it was like a maze or a tree when she got too up in it. She could think of one thing, and suddenly break off and rant about something else entirely. She turned to the meteor and it was large, it would probably be a while before she destroyed the whole thing and would take all her remaining energy. She looked around, and there were habitable planets, some even with life, she'd go to the oxygen-rich one, it reminded her of the earlier stages of life on Earth. She faced the asteroid and began charging her Arch lighting and Antenna beams, before firing them at full power at the meteor, the two attacks managed to start breaking the layers of the asteroid, but with how large and durable it was, it would indeed use up all her energy.

Mothra blasted what remained of the asteroid down into harmless bits, before trying to cool herself down after pushing herself for so long and that much. The asteroid was much tougher than it honestly looked, but at last, it was finally gone. She didn't have the stamina to return to Earth, so, she went to that planet with life on it. When she got through the atmosphere, she saw it was much foggier, the swamps were giant and lush, and the oxygen supply was rich. While she flew overhead, she saw they had some aliens resembling large insects and other creatures, like amphibians, reptiles, and birds. But, insects seemed to rule this world for now. What surprised her though wasn't just the fact they were evolving similarly to Earth's life, but how big they were. She soon noticed in the corner of her eye a giant moth around her size flying somewhere in the corner of her view. Once she had a clearer view of this giant moth, she noticed it was a male from the fluffier antenna. He also was extremely fluffy, and his colors were identical to a Rosy Maple moth.

(heh heh, I turned you all pink <:)Mothra crooked her head as she watched him fly off somewhere, and decided to go over and greet him

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(heh heh, I turned you all pink <:)
Mothra crooked her head as she watched him fly off somewhere, and decided to go over and greet him.

He crawled a little bit from his landing zone and began to clean his antenna, and Mothra landed beside him before introducing herself. "Hello." The male mouth jumped in surprise before crawling a bit away from her. "Oh, no need to fear me. I bring no harm, especially to a fellow moth, like yourself. I am Mothra, Goddess of Peace." The male moth seemed nervous and didn't respond before muttering something, possibly his name. "Hmmm? I couldn't quite hear you. May you please repeat yourself?"
"Y/n. That's my name," he spoke softly and low, making it difficult to hear, but Mothra had picked it up. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Y/n. Sorry if I frightened you earlier, that was not my intent." "It's okay..." Y/n seemed to keep close to himself and seemed uncomfortable. "Are you nervous?" "Never talked to anyone. Especially a girl." "Is that so wrong?" "No," he replied, before remaining silent. Mothra looked out at the world; and its beauty. "You don't know how nice and odd it feels for me also, Y/n. Never in my eternal life have I ever been in a world that makes me feel normal or small, like this one. I miss these kinds of views, the world I lived in for the longest time has long since changed to the point it is unrecognizable." "I'm sorry." "No need for you to apologize. I blame myself more than anything for the world's progression. If only I had been there for most of it, maybe I could've done so much more." Mothra was now the one who stood silent now. Y/n did the same, with him occasionally cleaning off his antenna and fur.

They both stayed like that until sunset, Y/n never flying off and away from Mothra, instead sitting beside her.
"You know you don't need to be here still." "I know... just thought I'd be here to listen to you, and everything." Mothra, though lacking the functionality, smiled. She was kinda pleased to have someone listen to her rambles and ramble she went, Y/n just staying there, listening with some intrigue. Mothra soon got it all out and was surprised Y/n hadn't fallen asleep. "Oh wow, you listened to all that." "I've been said to be a good listener," he said lowly, Mothra's heart was warmed, before crawling beside him. "Thanks. I needed that. Being what I am isn't easy." "It sounds like it." Mothra made a giggle, and now Y/n felt a warmth in him. "I think I'm gonna stay here for a while. Maybe you can show me around the planet." "... I wouldn't mind," Y/n said, and Mothra nuzzled up to him, "Thanks." "No problem."

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