Yandere FinalGoji x Yandere FW Mothra

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   A year had passed since the Xiliens had been killed, and most of the monsters were killed as well, by the strongest; Godzilla. After reuniting with his adopted son, they left for the ocean, and have since been difficult to find on the radar, despite the best of the Global Defense Force's efforts. Godzilla was hoping to keep it that way; leave them aimless, even if the little war between him and them had been settled.
   Minya was holding onto his dad's shoulders as they swam. They were mostly looking for food right now, and Minya wasn't the best swimmer or most patient Hunter. Godzilla was relieved to see him alive, no doubt, but surprised he survived without him. Soon, they both heard whale songs, Godzilla scoped the area and saw their shapes just above them to the right. He made sure to turn slowly to them, not wanting to scare them, yet. In a flash, before they even knew what hit them, a good portion of the pod was gone, as was Godzilla.
   After the successful catch, they returned to the island where they were residing, the same one Minya hatched at, after Godzilla found him. The latter handed over some of the caught whales to the prior, who walked off the devour them in private. Godzilla crunched the head of one whale in his jaws before ripping it off, with his final battle hot in his mind still. He remembered when Keizer had held his arms behind his back, and Gigan was able to get his free licks in bringing him to his knees. His body seemed to vividly remember when those spinning blades ripped into his flesh, as the same scars stung with it in mind. Godzilla had only managed to break out by rotating his body so Keizer was cut instead, and then his ally, besides the humans, had come to aid him. At first, he was shocked, never having seen her before. If they hadn't been caught up on staying focused on saving Earth, he might have asked her if she'd be available for courtship at some point after. Unfortunately, she perished in her battle with Gigan. He hated Keizer and those aliens of his, he hated Gigan more, but himself the most. He wasn't strong enough to kill Keizer then and there, and couldn't avenge her by ripping Gigan's arms off and beating him to death with them.
   He sighed, before ripping another piece off of the whale and swallowing it. He didn't even get to know the bug's name, he felt a bit ashamed to even be just calling her a bug; she was a Goddess to him. Minya soon walked over and leaned against him, passing out shortly after, making Godzilla sigh before picking up the young kaiju and carrying him to a nest to rest in, before walking a bit away and laying down himself, not detecting the approaching presence.
   Mothra had been flying for some time, mainly looking for Godzilla, ever since she reincarnated and laid another egg. Soon, the island was in sight, and his presence felt stronger than ever before. She flapped above to be above the mountains and scouted out the area for him, soon spotting him and landing nearby. He was just as handsome as she remembered when they first met. It made her feel flustered, though she couldn't physically show it. Landing on Godzilla's right, she now was only analyzing him. He was asleep, but he seemed he could wake at any nearing moment. She flew lightly around him, soon noticing Minya resting not too far away, and her heart squealed at how cute he looked to her(Not in the creepy pedo way). But, her focus quickly returned to the prior. She remembered when she first caught a glimpse of him, back in that fight at Tokyo. She knew about his destructive and violent history too how his power was to be feared. She began fantasizing about it, feeling him overpower her so casually, and... she was having a very vivid wet dream. She wondered how close she could get to him before he woke up, and so flew over, inch by inch until she was right next to him. She was at a loss for words and soon noticed his cat-like ears. Curious, she slowly went to touch them, soon rubbing and caressing them softly. Godzilla grumbled but moved into the touch, soon laying his head against Mothra, making her stop in her tracks. If insects could have heart attacks, she might have had one, but her desire for Godzilla now had escalated. She hugged his head close and whispered in his ear.
   "You're definitely mine, and I will have it to other way, Gojira-san.~" Godzilla stirred a bit in his sleep before his eyes slowly opened. Mothra panicked a bit but was caught in Godzilla's hand, now unable to get away. As the latter got up, he yawned before looking at the bug he'd caught. His vision was still blurry, but once it was clear and focused, he saw what he'd caught and was pleasantly shocked.
   "O-Oh!" Godzilla said with an uncharacteristic smile before he hugged Mothra tightly. "I thought you were gone, that I'd lost you in that battle." Mothra now was pleasantly caught off guard, he was talking to her as if she and him had been married for a year... she wasn't complaining.
   "It's okay, Gojira-san, you'll never have to worry again, I'll be at your side, always."
"And I won't let anyone hurt you again." Godzilla held Mothra tightly, though not enough to hurt her. His eyes had a glint that would instill fear into any, more so than usual.

   Over the course, and study of only a few weeks, noticeable and strange behaviors unseen before from both Godzilla and Mothra had shown. Both were seemingly together as lovers, with the latter even showing a motherly tenderness to Minya. Godzilla also shows some form of anger when around other male kaiju, some even being found dead later on. The same could be said with Mothra, only she never did the killing part.

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