Godzilla x Shimo 🍋

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Note: This chapter is a Lemon, there'll be descriptions of sex in this. You've been warned.

After the events of Skar King's reemerging, Shimo was free but stayed beside Kong as an ally. Recently, however, she felt urges that she couldn't satisfy. A need for pleasure. She took a leave from Kong, which he didn't argue against; he had told her repeatedly that she could leave whenever she felt, and she owed nothing to him. She recognized these urges before, in the years of Hell working for Skar King, only now they not only were stronger but could be satiated. She looked through the hollow earth for a mate, only finding unsuitable weaklings. She was seeking out a male strong, one even stronger than her, and that's when she got an idea of who to turn to.

On the surface, Godzilla was content, still sleeping like a big baby, till it was disrupted. He got up, grumbling as he could sense it was Shimo.
   "Now what the hell could that old bitch want?" He said, sighing as he was on the move to see what she could want.

After an hour, he found her in the Artic, where Tiamat once was to evolve, and where Scylla's old job was before she decided to spit on his feet by heating the ice caps; hence, he put her down. It was ironic, how two kaiju he dealt with in the same period were stationed here, and now here he was to deal with a third, only this time it probably wouldn't get as violent.
   Godzilla had an intimidation display going, his dorsal plates flashing pink before he roared in the sky, getting Shimo's attention. She came over an Ice Hill, her snow-white skin blended in well with all that was around them, but that did not change anything to Godzilla.
"What the hell are you doing up here, Shimo? Aren't you supposed to be with that ape and all the others?
"Well, I came to see you. Kong and the tribe are doing fine without me, and I'll head back to assist with anything later. For now, I just want to talk to you." She held back the urge to be seductive or flirty with him, instead only walking up closer. She was a good deal bigger than him, as well as a few thousand years older, but that didn't frighten him, especially since he pretty easily was shoving her around.
"Okay? Why are you actually up here, Shimo? This place is oddly specific."
"I just wanted some privacy."
"Because," she now leaned up closer to him, her breath a bit heavier "you'd make for a good mate partner." Godzilla was a bit confused, he understood he was strong, but they were far from being the same species.
"You're coming to me because you're in heat?"
"Yes. So, won't you help an older girl?" Godzilla thought about it, his contemplation on the offer evident he wasn't entirely against it, but he said "Aren't you a little too old for me?" he cheekily smirked, making Shimo scoff. "So there's a close to a million-year age gap, so what?" she then turned around, reared her tail up, and took position for him to mount her. "Are you as much of an alpha as the ladies make you out to be~?" she said, knowing that would trigger him a bit.
   Godzilla growled, smirking, now having to reaffirm his status. Shimo honestly didn't even need to say that, as he felt himself slowly erecting anyway. Taking up her offer, he took mount, putting his arms around her hip and pulling her tightly, his cock soon exposing itself while pulsing in eagerness. Shimo didn't feel anything at first, before feeling it be put between her legs. It was a fairly large, and fitting size for an Alpha Titan, but met the standard she wanted. She smiled before feeling it slip in and made a small moan.
She couldn't remember the last time she'd done it with anyone, or her partner if he was still alive. Godzilla seemed just as pleasured, he wasn't new to this, having bred with a few female Titans for the pleasure of it, but that was predating and merged in his younger years as alpha, since then he'd long stopped. They stood there for a moment before Godzilla asked "Are you ready?"
"Honey, I've been ready.~" Shimo said, eager to get started, which Godzilla wasn't gonna hold up.

   In the back of Godzilla's mind, he found it a bit funny how they initially fought (Context for that comes in the novelization of GxK) but here they were. Shimo could feel the strength in his thrusts, and the warmth radiating off him throughout his body, which most likely was countering her colder internal temperatures. Godzilla grunted, slamming his pelvis up against her, his toes wiggling a bit from the satisfaction. Feeling how wet she was becoming, it already covered his crotch area a bit, both made small little moans till he began speeding up.
   Shimo now rocked a bit from them and found it harder to contain her moans, but it was still a little manageable. Godzilla grunted louder with each thrust, a clapping sound now audible in the air. Shimo lowered her head and lay on her front legs, with her chest pressing the ground. Godzilla now was allowed a stronger hold, and by lying along her back, began thrusting deeper. They both had some fuzziness going on inside their minds, being unable to do much else. Godzilla felt he was close, and from how Shimo was clenching his cock, she was too. Precum leaked out a bit, wet squelching sounds now heard with the two kaiju's growls and bellows. As he was about to cum, Godzilla bit Shimo on the shoulder, not with the strength to hurt her, but rather to hold on, as he knotted her before cumming. A bellow came from Shimo as felt the warmth fill her again, and in a large amount too, since it seemed she wasn't the only one pent up. Godzilla gave a few more thrusts, reassuring his instincts of impregnation, even spouting a new hot flow of cum. His orgasm went on for a few minutes, but to them, it was only about a few seconds. He pulled out, a wet squelch and then pop being heard before his cock drooped flaccid, and retreated to its sheath. A pleased rumbling could be heard in Shimo as if purring, and a pleased smile.
   "Thank you for your assistance.~ If I come back, then I will bring with me our little Godzillas.~"
   "I'll see you then, but come back anytime if you need help with those desires again." he was speaking more relaxed, gently, and a bit flirty as if this wasn't the same kaiju anymore. Shimo was surprised but liked the idea, saying while heading for the portal "Maybe I'll be back in an hour, or tomorrow.~" Godzilla now smirked at the idea "Why not just do it again now?~" She liked the idea, walking back up to him, rubbing up against his chin, before propping her ass up at him. They went at it for about five hours.

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