What about you is stopping me?(Keizer [KG AU] x Orphaned Child reader)

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Unrequested. Also, don't know why of all the characters in the KG AU I'm working on, I chose this evil son of a bitch.

A city lay ruined, no, a whole planet. The whole world was devastated and destroyed, burning down while a few survivors were either hunted down and eradicated, or enslaved. The leader of the whole attack sat bored as he watched his right hand finally kill one of the few remaining fighters on the planet to satisfy a never-ending blood lust, even if it was for a moment. Keizer seemed tired and bored of the same: He finds a planet with life and goes to absorb the life force on it dry, and destroys the civilization. His right-hand man, Desghidorah, could never be bored like Keizer of this act, but he wasn't nearly as old. Keizer got up and looked around the ruins before going for a walk.

Desghidorah: Keizer? Where are you going?
Keizer: My motives are not yours to question, besides, I'm going for a walk.

Desghidorah nodded before flying off to go find anyone else the Gigan Miles, Gigan Rex, and his sister Gigan missed.

While Keizer walked, he found some survivors and gave them the same choice at the beginning; join him or perish, they all fell on their knees and pleaded for mercy. Other times Keizer just crushed them under his feet or electrocuted them to death, but then he found a survivor of his assault doing something a bit suspicious. Keizer marched over to investigate, scarring the woman, who was armed with a crossbow; the closest thing they had to guns from their technology. She fired at Keizer's face, but the bone-like mask on his face made it bounce off, she fired again, and it crushed itself against his body. "An unimpressive attempt, but at least one of your kind has some backbone." Keizer snatched the woman by the neck, making her drop what she was cradling and her crossbow, and slowly squeezed until it crunched, and he knew he didn't even need to do all that much effort. Then he heard a sound coming from the wrapping that hid something, Keizer kneeled, and with two gingerly fingers he moved the wrapping to reveal the face of an infant. Keizer bent his head to the side in curiosity and then scooped it up, a Gigan Miles was allured by the child's crying and landed beside him. "Keizer, do you wish to execute this child? It is too small to work manual labor, and it requires too much time, effort, and specific resources we do not have to take care of it." Keizer didn't answer this soldier, an extension of his second most annoying general, second only to his sister who has the confidence to try and dethrone him on multiple occasions, seemingly unaware he devours life from planets, and may or may not absorb their core as well. The only thing probably that's making her do that is her inability to feel anything like pain or touch, or any feeling sensation for that matter from that guard he put on her. Keizer was losing himself in extended thought.

Gigan Miles: Keizer? Might I ask the question again for you? Sha-

He cut it off with a lightning-fast grab at its throat before he crushed it, the sound of all the metal and wires, technology, everything, wasn't as satisfying to him as bones, but Rex did give his Gigan Miles spinal cords, so that was a plus. Keizer held up the child and checked it for injuries before pitpocketing the mother like a street rat or someone in desperation, and found she had some things specifically for this baby. Keizer gathered these before walking away but gave one last long look at its mother, as did the child, and walked into a Xilien ship to take him back to his main one.

Keizer: Take me back to my ship.
Pilot: Sir, it seems you have a-
Keizer: I know what I have, do not question me on why.
Pilot: Yes my lord.

The pilot didn't ask any more pointless questions that Keizer wasn't asking himself. Keizer looked at the baby he was cradling as if it were his species, let alone his blood. He had a daughter, yet this feeling of him seeing this child never came whenever he looked at her, what was stopping him from killing it anyway? He lifted the child up in front of his face, and asked the question out loud. "What about you is stopping me?"

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