Gojiran x Female Reader

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Out in the Pacific Ocean, Gojiran was hunting. Mostly for some big whales.

She was far from the coast of the ocean; so far she could hardly see the thing out in the distance. She breached the surface, only peeking her eyes up and looking around before diving back under. She started to descend deep, down to where no light shined, but that was no hindrance. She could faintly see the bottom of the ocean, but making out shapes was hard, and she'd need to strain her eyes to do so. She went down until she was walking on the sea floor. Whales came this deep sometimes, and even if Gojiran couldn't find any she'd at least have squid as an alternative. She scanned around the bottom, straining her vision to the max to detect anything, soon noticing in the faint distance some movement. It looked like a whale.

Gojiran licked her lips before propelling herself off the ground and swam toward what she saw, staying as silent as possible. She kept low to the ground and peeked out from behind the underwater hill and saw the fluke of the tail for a moment go behind another. Gojiran grinned and thought in her head "This whale is bigger than I thought. I'm eating well today." Gojiran went slowly towards the hill before going over in a quick dash at the creature, surprising it before Gojiran bit down into it. She expected to bite into a whale, but it felt like she bit into a shoulder, and she heard a shrill screech of pain. Gojiran let go and backed up to look at what she sank her teeth in, and saw it was a who. It was a kaiju girl,  like her, only a different race. Her eyes were shielded by a white membrane, giving her a more haunting appearance, but it was hard to tell what the rest of her looked like with Gojiran's limited vision. The latter growled before grabbing the sides of the girl and bringing her up to the light. Once Gojiran could see better, the girl blocked her eyes from the bright light, and she looked like a deep sea creature, with the bioluminescence, the lanky bony body, and her lips almost covered all her long, see-through teeth that looked like a dragon fish. She had big eyes, that still could blink, for low light, and despite her creepy appearance, there was a sort of odd beauty in it, one that Gojiran noticed and felt a small bit of heat go to her cheeks. The girl had some hair; long and whispy, like whiskers, and some spines around her head. Gojiran looked at the place she'd bitten her and noticed it was close to her gills, Gojiran rubbed the back of her head but continued to examine further.

The girl's legs were digitigrade, splayed out, finned feet, and a long elegant tail like an eel. Her hands were bony, claw-tipped fingers with webbing between them. Gojiran hadn't realized time seemed too slow around her, so when it caught up, the first thing that happened was the girl she was analyzing just a moment ago turned around and dashed back into the depths of the water. Gojiran shook her shock off and swam after the girl, unfortunately, the latter was much more adept at swimming, and so got away. "Dammit."
Gojiran swore under her breath before turning around and swimming away. Down in the shadows though, the same girl was watching, just out of sight. She swam down back to her environment but didn't doubt she would see Gojiran again.

The Queen of the Monsters had finally caught lunch. Two Blue Whales, one for her and the other for her daughter, Jr. Lingering in her mind though was that girl. As she swam over the same area where she found her, Gojiran looked down into the void. She wanted to find that girl again. But why? Was what she was asking herself. Gojiran, without thought, began swimming down carrying the whales with her. Upon getting to the cold dark depth of the first sighting, Gojiran looked around from above. As with last time, hardly able to see anything. Gojiran slowly cruised above, looking for even the slightest movement or bit of noticeable glow. So far nothing.
And then there she was; swimming casually, down close to the sea floor. Gojiran felt an odd joy before swimming down, but the noise her swimming made spooked the girl into quickly bolting away and turning around while flashing an intimidation display. Gojiran was impressed and decided to show her own, the girl recognized Gojiran almost immediately and then tried swimming away, only to be grabbed and pinned down. The girl tried snapping her jaws at Gojiran, but she stayed just out of reach, a smug smile as she waited for her to stop. The girl soon finished and looked at Gojiran and her smug look. The latter then motioned up, wanting the prior to follow. The girl agreed that she would if Gojiran got off her, and the girl didn't try to swim away when she did. Gojiran grabbed the whales before swimming up, the girl doing so too.

Once they reached the surface, Gojiran got a fresh breath of air, with the girl springing up in front of Gojiran. Both looked at each other, wordless for a while. Gojiran soon decided to talk first.
"So, who are you?"
The girl floated up and down before speaking "Y/n."
"Gojiran, Queen of the Monsters."
Y/n tilted her head, curious about what that was. Gojiran then continued "So, what are you?; What species?"
"Mandeira, or Manda."
"So, a cousin maybe? I know a pair of Mandeira, they look a lot more like dragons." Y/n was curious about that, and then she dove under the water and swam around for a bit. Gojira dove her head under the surface and looked at Y/n's swim before she came back up in front of her.
"Needed to breathe."
"Right. The gills. You wouldn't be able to hold your breath though, would you?"
"Only for a short time. And I struggle to stand up straight on land." Both paddled there, bobbing with the waves. Gojiran pulled the Blue whale she was gonna eat herself and ripped it in half, then pushed that half to Y/n to have. She took the given chunk of whale and swam down, Gojiran grabbed and ripped into the blubber. Y/n attempted to swallow hers, though struggled a bit.

After the meal was finished on both ends, Y/n came to the surface. "Why did you pursue me? You attacked me the first time we met."
"I mistook your tail movements for a whale's fluke. How's the shoulder?"
"Fine. But why do you pursue me?"
"I find you interesting. And maybe cute, in a weird way." Gojiran said, gently brushing a few of the hairs that had strayed in front of Y/n's left eye. She didn't know what to think of Gojiran's gesture. They now were in that odd silence again, floating, before Y/n fleeted under the waves again. Gojiran went under and saw Y/n was heading down deep, probably to return to the safety of the depths. Gojiran grabbed Jr's whale and began swimming back to Monster Island, she'd return for Y/n tomorrow and maybe have a less uncomfortable conversation.

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