Komodithrax x Zilla Jr

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(If none of y'all reading know who these two are y'all should be ashamed. But if you wanna know I'll gladly tell you.)

Zilla Jr; Son and seemingly near genetic copy of his mom/father. His parent was able to recreate exact copies of themself and made a gigantic brood, but they perished, and his parent was brought back as a cyborg but destroyed. Now though he followed his dad, Nick, and his family the HEAT team, which he traveled around the world with them fighting mutants, right now they were just having a break. He was right now just swimming around hunting fish, and any he caught were immediately gobbled up. He swam aimlessly but he didn't want to go too far from his dad, but with his fish hunt he seemed to leave the bay he lived in and was in the middle of nowhere. Jr wasn't an idiot but he didn't see anything or smell any familiarities, but he smelt land and a mutant. He scoped around and saw an island that seemed uninhabited but reeked of mutants, so began swimming in that direction.

On his way, he sensed more and more mutations on the island, and even on the shores, he saw mutations, a giant eel-looking creature about the length of his arm that had legs similar to a frogfish was swimming at the bottom around. He was curious about what it would taste like, but if it was like an eel it might taste terrible so he ignored it as he got onto land. Zilla Jr saw the sun was rising; Had he been that long gone? He turned around and began heading inland, he saw mostly nonmutant creatures he didn't even see one yet. There were though weird amphibious animals with paddle-shaped tails and the agility of a canine running around feeding on animals smaller than them, he scared a few away from some deers with just his presence before seeing that had a pond they seemed to like to hang out in, and he went into it himself because it was big enough, but too shallow for him to be completely submerged. He crawled around with his forearms as he watched the small reptiles swim around him, some even crawling onto him and attacking the small mutant parasites on his skin, which was a bit of a relief for him, and then he wondered about something else. He laid himself down on the ground and opened his mouth, and some of these amphibians seemed to instinctively swim over and begin picking his teeth clean. Jr began dozing off as he became comfortable and ignored the vibrations he felt before his cleaners were spooked by something coming into the water that was about his size, but before he could understand what was happening, he was attacked in the neck. He screamed in shock and a bit of pain as he felt the teeth sink into his skin and begin shaking, but he pulled himself onto his feet, grabbed his assailant, and pulled them off him. Once his attacker was off, he charged his heat breath and fired at his attacker

To his shock though, he felt something fight against his breath, and even overpower it, making him leap back and narrowly have his face not be cooked by a blue version of his breath attack, while his assailant was already retreating over a hillside

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To his shock though, he felt something fight against his breath, and even overpower it, making him leap back and narrowly have his face not be cooked by a blue version of his breath attack, while his assailant was already retreating over a hillside. He growled and gave chase, it was his duty to hunt mutations and this would be no different. He ran after it and caught up quite easily, and saw it seemed to be some overgrown, brown female monitor lizard with a pale brown underbelly, yellow eyes, but also some differences from a monitor lizard. For one, she seemed to be a facultative biped, as her hind legs were a bit longer and more muscular than her forelimbs, and her feet were capable of walking without front support.

He dodged another blast of her blue heat breath; he must've gotten caught up in his analyzation and ran to avoid the heavy stream of it trailing him, before he spat a fireball of his heat breath at her side on purpose, causing an explosion next to her, making her falter, and allowing him to close in. She lunged up onto her hind legs and ran to meet him head-on, confirming she was a facultative biped, and they both tried wrestling each other to the ground, Jr's spikes on his back served as leverage and handles for the monitor to grab and use, but the prior was much bulkier and experienced in fighting physically stronger and heavier opponents, allowing him to topple her onto her back. He pinned her by putting his foot on her chest, which she attacked almost immediately but stopped upon seeing her situation. He lowered his head down to be up close as they both looked the other in the eyes, she was still agitated, but it was also apparent she excepted defeat, he soon stood up and roared in triumph, but was caught off guard by being hit in the chest with her heat breath, making him fall off her and allowing her to get onto him. She pinned his arms down and snagged the dewlap on his neck in her jaws and twisted, cutting off any sounds from him, and it seemed he was bested, but his arms were longer than her's, so he took that advantage and grabbed her sides before rolling her off him, and pinned her again, before, full force, he blasted her in the face with his heat breath. The forest around began lighting on fire, and once he was out of breath he stopped, and the monitor lizard seemed dead, but she wasn't burned which surprised him. Soon though she began twitching and got up, before shaking herself off, Jr growled immediately and got ready for another attack, but it didn't come. She seemed now curious of him, as she began analyzing him by circling him, he kept his eyes on her but didn't spin around with her, but she soon paused and looked him in the face. Zilla Jr and her kept this gaze with each other before she suddenly ran off. Jr instinctively was about to give chase but hesitated and thought it over before running after her again. Unfortunately, he lost her, but he wasn't about to let up yet and searched for her the rest of the day and night, to no avail. He soon stopped and took a nap.

When he woke up, he was surprised to see a small mound of freshly caught fish, probably from that female he saw. He knew it would be rude to deny a gift so he ate it in one bite and a few licks just to make sure he didn't miss anything before walking away to return to New York, but before he did he gave a mighty roar to signify a goodbye, but before he left he could've sworn he saw her watching as he left.

(Sorry for the long ass wait. But if some requests don't come in I might just make an unrequested chapter.)

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