Rodan x Femuto (🍋)

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(Yeah I'm not even sure of what fancy title to call this. So I'm going basic.)

After Godzilla fought and quote on quote "beat the ass" of a monkey with an axe and sharp sticks known as Kong, the titans were free to roam the surface as long as they obliged by Godzilla's rules, and were as free to do as they pleased as long as they didn't bother Kong. The Femuto that was spared by Godzilla was roaming the hollow Earth, or as some referred to as the second world. She'd heard that this place was beautiful, and that there was a strong energy here, but not only was the way to it cut off, it was guarded by the 8th wonder of the world. She didn't exactly want to risk picking a fight with Kong, and then finding out that she couldn't even make it to this energy after, so she just stayed away from it. As she walked around it, she saw the lovely fauna, and even saw some Dougs. She soon paused herself and took in a long nice look at everything around her, before hearing some angry Mexican noises.

Rodan: ¡Vamos, estúpido lagarto verde de dos patas! ¡Me aburres!
???: Well if you actually got within my reach, I could see what Spanish chicken nuggets taste like!
Rodan: Los mexicanos no comemos tajadas llenas de grasa de carne triste como los nuggets de pollo, ¡tonto!

Barb soon saw where they were coming from and saw Rodan sparing with a green dinosaur that had muscular legs, and a equally muscular tail.

Barb soon saw where they were coming from and saw Rodan sparing with a green dinosaur that had muscular legs, and a equally muscular tail

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She realized that Rodan was sparing the Hollow Earth resident and Apex predator of it, Gorosaurus. Rodan swooped down and tried clawing the back of Gorosaurus's head, but he ducked under his claws and tried snapping a hold on Rodan's ankle but missed. Rodan turned around and tried going for another attempt, but Gorosaurus ducked under, and threw his muscular tail into the air to smack the fire bird out of the air, which he did successfully. Rodan crashed into the side of a hill, but shock the impact off to try and get up again, but was kangaroo kicked back into the crater he made and pinned under his opponent's weight.

Gorosaurus: Stay down. You've lost.
Rodan: Dah! I do not quite till I'm dead.
Gorosaurus: Is that what you said to Ghidorah?
Rodan: Uuuuhhhh...
Gorosaurus: Besides, if that were a full force kick, you would've died.

Rodan soon sighed and laid back before spotting Barb(The femuto).

Rodan: Oh! Barb! Encantada de verte encantadora. ¿Cómo estás? Ha pasado demasiado tiempo desde nuestro último encuentro.
Barb: *Giggles* Estoy bien, Rodán. Estuviste bastante bien en esa pelea.
Rodan: ¡Dah! ¡Siempre estoy genial!
Gorosaurus: So, you understand him.
Barb: Yeah, not everything though, but I am learning.
Gorosaurus: Oh, I only understand him, I can't communicate with him like you obviously can, other than give him the occasional amigo.
Rodan: You need to learn more than that Goro, I can teach you if you come up to the surface.
Gorosaurus: You know I can't exactly do that.
Rodan: Dah! You always say that!
Gorosaurus: And you almost always say "Dah" in every other sentence.
Rodan: I do not!
Gorosaurus: You 100% do.
Barb: Tiene algo de razón, cariño.
Rodan: ... * Turns his head at her and squints* Traidora.

Barb shook her head in disbelief he was the one she was dating, and loved. And he smirked back at her.

Gorosaurus: Alright, I'm off. Be seein' you two around.

Gorosaurus began digging up the ground before making a tunnel, and heading out. Rodan looked away from the tunnel and looked at Barb with a grin.

Rodan: So, now that we're entirely alone...

Barb walked up to Rodan before standing over top of him, her eyes meeting his. Barb reached her smaller arms and held up Rodan's chin and petted his head, some cooing of comfort coming from him as he liked the attention.

Barb: ¿Quién es mi pájaro bonito?
Rodan: A mí.

Barb spread her legs out a bit, lowering herself slowly onto Rodan, who began nuzzling her neck, before nipping it to start pruning her like a bird. She winced as she didn't have feathers, or fur, or even what Rodan had for skin, so it kinda hurt, but she'd gotten used to it. Soon she began reciprocating the affection by nuzzling his neck herself, and letting him rest his chin over top her head, and soon his magma glowing shaft was revealed. Some fluid that was radiating heat coaxed it like a cover, or protection layer, possibly to keep it from shriveling into a crisp from Rodan's internal heat, but it didn't matter. Barb slowly lowered her self onto the orange glow stick of a cock, and felt as the heat warmed up her insides as she slowly went over to it, relaxing her walls like a hot tub. Her legs shacked and twitched as she felt the pleasure of having it inside her, as Rodan's right leg kicked in an out from nerve response.

Rodan: Ni siquiera cerca de un minuto, y ya siento que lo hemos hecho, querida.
Barb: Do I make you feel that good?~
Rodan: Si.~

Barb was currently riding Rodan cow girl the best she could without falling over and onto him, as well as not falling back. She slowly began thrusting onto his cock, his warmth reaching deep, as a few of her pussy juices steamed. The feeling of her muscles being relaxed and everything going on and she felt herself already at the brink of climax. Rodan was feeling as much pleasure as her, and was nearing himself, but he wasn't going to finish at half way, so he thrusted himself up entirely into her.


She exclaimed, never feeling her insides be touched so deep. Rodan began thrusting fast, before getting his legs over Barb's thighs and being able to thrust into her easier, and deeper. Barb was now a moaning mess as she felt the heat of his shaft now touching previous unfelt territory, and she could hold on much longer, but before she cummed, she felt a new hotter sensation fill her. Rodan had beaten her to the goal, and pumped her full as much as he could, and soon felt Barb cum herself.

After they were finished, Rodan had pulled out, and Barb... she fell on her back. Both had been laying on the ground for a while, with Rodan's jizz still cooling off from the air. Rodan soon got up and shook the dust and rocks off him before walking up to Barb.

Rodan: ¿Eres buena Barb?
Barb: Couldn't've felt better. But you're going to need to pull me up.

Rodan nodded before flapping into the air and grabbing Barb's legs, and then flying to lift her up until she was back in her feet.

Rodan: So, how was it feeling all of me?
Barb: Unexpected, but you should do it more often.
Rodan: Hehehe. Hará mamá gruesa.~

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