Male Legendary Godzilla x Female Heisei Godzilla (Anthro)

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(Contains spoilers. Don't read unless you've already seen the movie.)

   A couple of days had passed since Godzilla had helped with Skar King, and now, he was just working on adapting to this form. It had burned his fat down to where he was now thin, but he was still stronger than ever. Now, he was just lying in rest at the Rome Colosseum, lying down on his chest and basking in the sun's rays.
   Titan activity so far has dropped a lot, especially after he made a message out of Scylla, and killed Tiamat. But, he was now on a tight leash by Mothra; he couldn't kill any more of his subjects unless ultimately had to.
   Admittedly, he was glad to have Titan activity on a low, and Mothra back, but recently he hadn't much to do now. He growled and pushed himself up onto his feet before dusting the sand off his chest and tugging the parts of his pants that were pinching, flipped his side clothes to where they belonged, and adjusted his armor before marching off to find something to amuse him.

   In an alternative reality

   G-Force was a blank of what to do. Godzilla had bested King Ghidorah, after being amplified by that nuclear submarine, turning her from 80 meters to 100 meters in height. She was now even more powerful than anything before. Unrivaled, unstoppable as she made a macabre of the city, but her rampage was halted when she was confronted.
   King Ghidorah had come back, now as a cyborg piloted by Emmy. Godzilla wasn't as intimidated as she was annoyed to see her earlier foe come back as a machine to fight her again. She attempted to fire him down from the sky, blasting out of her way some of the taller buildings' rooftops. The piloted Cyborg soon landed in front of her, Godzilla growled, fury in her eyes, and she was going to finish this fight. Mecha King Ghidorah had the first hit, pelting her with gravity beams, annihilating everything around her, and any that hit her stung her, one even hitting her in the boob and nipple. She retaliated with an atomic breath, which was ineffective against his armor. Another barrage of gravity and cyber beams, stung a little less this time around, and the barrage continued until she hardly felt them. She marched through a barrage of them, the goal in mind was to get up close and rip apart the armor casing on Mecha-King Ghidorah since her atomic breath wasn't doing anything to him. Godzilla almost had him in arms reach, when unexpectedly, his gravity and cyber beam had been amplified in power, and aimed at the ground beneath her feet, causing it to become unstable before she fell back against a building.
   She lay in the debris for a moment to catch her breath, the covering; a loin cloth, and bandages around her breasts and chest, weren't significantly damaged, but tattered from Mecha King Ghidorah, who came forward and engaged his ultimate weapon; a large electric claw. Cuffs fired off first, latching onto her wrists and ankles, restraining her, before electrocuting her, and then the massive claw came out and grabbed her around the torso. She squirmed before being electrocuted, Godzilla roaring in agony as she attempted to fight the cuffs and break. Earlier she achieved an atomic pulse, and she thought that would be helpful right about then. She charged her atomic breath again, and fired, this time though it managed to do damage to Mecha-King Ghidorah, she aimed for one of his wings and blasted a hole straight through it before feeling herself be hoisted up and being flown off.
   She was stunned at first to be in the air, before assessing her situation. She fired at his other wing now, destroying it by burning holes that handicapped him like before, but his wings weren't what allowed him to fly this time around. Godzilla aimed at his chest once again and fired a long heated stream of atomic breath where the claw once was until Mecha King Ghidorah was destroyed from inside. With the cyborg now dead though, Godzilla began plummeting him into the ocean, her back landing in first. It stung a little, but she didn't pay much attention to it. The MOTHER (Yes, that is the actual name of the Time Machine in the movie) split off from Mecha King Ghidorah, and was about to make an exit, when Emmy Kano turned around, and had one last idea to try and get rid of Godzilla, only more permanently. Time travel hadn't worked, so maybe sending her to a whole other reality would do the trick. Godzilla was still fighting her restraints a bit when she noticed the bright light coming from MOTHER, but before she could react she was enveloped, and was for a moment in the air, and then enveloped by water again.

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