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Olivia's POV@18

I woke up early in the morning. Narlan was sleeping so close to me. I could hear his warm breaths on my face. I touched his pale cheeks.

I looked at my finger. It was a beautiful sapphire ring given to me by Narlan when I was 16. It was my birthday gift. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you" I said and got out of my bed. After a shower I went down stairs. Ana and Moby were making breakfast. I took an apple from the kitchen and started eating it. It was a beautiful sunny day. As I was looking outside the window someone pinched my arm. It was Derek.

"Surprise princess."

I was shocked to see him. Diana and Dobsy were also sitting on the sofa and laughing at my reaction.

At that moment two boys entered the lounge with valentine in centre.

"Look at you, you have grown a lot." said Valentine. I was about to leave the room when Derek pulled me back.

"Come on princess, lets have some fun."

I kicked him in the guts and ran upstairs. Narlan was coming down, I hid behind him. He was also surprised to see his father.

"Oh Narlan, How are you. Five years is a long time, you haven't changed at all just like your mother all weak and a disgrace to me"

His father said angrily.

"I can see you are running things differently, but now that I am back everything will change back to normal".

I have called the elders. They will be here any moment. Come join us here on the sofa. Bring Olivia along.

"I have heard that you two sleep together."

He laughed again,

"Oh don't take me wrong, I know you my son, she is still an innocent isn't she."

He winced at Narlan who was clenching his fists now as he was sitting on the sofa with his arm around my waist.

Soon the elders were there. After every body was seated Valentine stood up.

"All of you bypassed my laws and my rules during the past five years. You thought that I am dead. Look at me Am I dead? NO I am not. I am back and from now onwards I will lead you. You are not going to listen to that imbecile son of mine"

He then nodded at Derek, who jumped at Narlan along with the two boys Harry and Larry. They injected a serum into his body weakening him greatly. All three attacked him next; cutting and bruising him severely. I was shouting for Merlin and Narlan's team but there was nobody to help Narlan. Dobsy came close to me and slapped me in the face.

"Shut up you bitch." I ran towards Narlan but Diana grabbed me. Her eyes were begging me to stop not to intervene.

After an hour of beating Valentine said


Then he looked at the elders

"He is my son If I can punish him this severely. You can imagine what I can do to you. Leave now I don't want to see your faces"

He looked at me next.

"You take him to his room and apply this ointment on his wounds. Healing will take time. Oh and enjoy his screams. The chemical they injected in his blood can kill a bull but of course he is a prince my son he will not die that easily. take him to his room now"

Moby helped me carry Narlin to our room. Before leaving he looked at me and said.

"Take care of him, you are his mate only you can heal him quickly with your love and devotion."

After carrying him to the bed he left. As I was putting the ointment on his cuts I felt severe pain in my chest. My bones hurt like they were broken. My mind soon blacked out.

Narlan's POV

It all happened immediately. One instant Derek was sitting and the next he jumped at me and injected me with night shade extracts mixed with some new chemical. Whatever it was it paralyzed my body completely. I could feel severe pain rendered to me by their kicks and knives but my body couldn't move. My mind went dark. It was so dark and painful. I remembered the time when my mother died. It was just like that day. My father had again abandoned me.

The pain was not ending. In that instant I could feel Olivia's pain. My eyes opened and I saw her changing. She needed my help or she would die. I dragged myself to her body. the paralysis was gone but my body was aching deeply. The pain was too much but I had to bear with it for her.

I put my hands on her shoulders and called her.

"Olivia can you hear me"

She opened her eyes and looked at me

I encouraged her.

"yes you can do it, what you are going through is change. You will shift into your wolf soon. I am here with you, don't fear, just change. I know it is painful but it will be better soon "

After an hour of bone cracking and reforming she transformed into a beautiful white wolf. I had done my part after seeing her in that form I smiled and blacked out.

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