
767 14 1

Yeseul Pov

I was sitting in a restaurant facing a guy who doesn't know when to stop talking, it has been 2 hours and I haven't gotten a word in. Yes, I am hopelessly looking for love and yes, I'm failing at it.

"And then I told them that I don't own the resort haha-"  Yeahhh this totally happened, I believe you 

"-they thought I was the owner of a 5-star resort because of how charismatic I was hahaha. So then I-"  charismatic? you? don't make me laugh.

a few hours later 

"I had a lot of fun tonight, I feel like we get along really well.-"  get along? when did that happen? "-Would like to meet again?" no. I would not  "haha sure.."


I got home around 11pm,  already dreading the next day 'cause I have a job interview. It was for the post of manager at HYBE. apparently its a big deal and getting a job there is really hard. 

great just the kind of motivation I need  

I really hope I get in, I can't stay jobless forever 

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