"I love you too." We both lean in and I close my eyes.
"Oh that's too bad " huh that's not wonwoo' s voice. I open my eyes and see...nothing, It's like an endless void of sunflowers . "That's wonwoo' s favorite flower" I whisper under my breath. "hello Yeseul yang" I look around and see no one, where is this voice coming from?
"Who are you? Where am I? Where is wonwoo? What is this place?" I start frantically asking questions "Calm down Yeseul, let me explain everything" I stay quiet. "You are currently in a place between life and death, reality and imaginations. Where anything that happens, doesn't affect time or your world. This is where I stay, I watch over everything and everyone in your world. I am a formless being, not a human like you." What is he even saying, but if he knows my name maybe he's not lying? Even if he was, how could he pull this off, there are only flowers for as far as I can see. "And I can hear your thoughts, I assure you this is real."
"What do you want from me? why am I here? Where's wonwoo" "Wonwoo is exactly where he was. The reason you're here is because you have done something that wasn't supposed to happen." He replied. "What do you mean? I didn't do anything." "You fell in love with jeon wonwoo, that wasn't supposed to happen. You were never supposed to develop such a relationship with wonwoo-" My heart sunk. "What are you saying" He ignored me and continued "You will now go back to the moment that potentially changed your relationship with wonwoo, you will live through it again and make sure you don't fall in love or act on your love for him again. Whether you fall in love with someone else or stay alone, doesn't matter to me all that matters is that you and wonwoo don't get together this time. Understood?"
"Why should I listen to you, even if I go back I will love wonwoo again and again no matter how many times you send me back." I said quickly "You can't " he responded calmly. "WHY NOT HUH?! WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHO I'M SUPPOSED TO BE WITH." "If you do then-" I cut him off "THEN WHAT?! WHAT WILL YOU DO" he tried to speak "Wonwoo will-" I cut him off again "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU-" "WONWOO WILL DIE" He finally snapped "w-what" I was taken aback. "If you fall in love with wonwoo, he will die." He said again. I sunk to the ground in disbelief of what I had just heard, tears started streaming down my face. "why..." I whispered.
"I could make it easier for you and erase your existing feelings for him." He offered. Everything felt real all of a sudden, I didn't want this but I also wanted wonwoo to live happily whether it's with me or someone else.
I nodded. "I'm doing this for you wonwoo" I whispered before everything went black.

Reincarnated for 17
FanfictionHer one true goal is to find love, however when she thinks she has finally found the one, she gets sent back in time. When she realizes this, she sets out to fix her past mistakes and find love once again. Will she succeed or get sent back in time a...