Her one true goal is to find love, however when she thinks she has finally found the one, she gets sent back in time. When she realizes this, she sets out to fix her past mistakes and find love once again.
Will she succeed or get sent back in time a...
"oh you guys have similar names haha" I seriously need to improve my social skills. "haha yeah we do, our parents wanted it that way" seungmin replied. hmm is the brother not very talkative?
The waiter walked up to us and took their orders. "Yeseul I'll pay for your meal as well, think of it as my treat" seungmin said as soon as the waiter left. well I mean I can't say no to free food, "Alright but I'll treat you guys after I get my first pay check" "sure haha, speaking of which how did you interview go?" I was late because of you and apparently I'm not a problem whatever that means. "It went well enough I guess, I really do hope I get the job though." I replied "I know you will, don't worry" ,I smiled. he seemed rather optimistic unlike me.
I wanted to keep the conversation going, I didn't want it to get awkward. "um so...which one of you is older?" I was honestly running out of things to say, I didn't know them very well, so I wasn't sure what was okay to say so I wanted to keep it general, I didn't want to ruin this potential friendship.
This time the brother, Seungcheol, answered, "I'm younger by 2 years, he's 1993, I'm 1995" oh damn I'm younger than them both. "Oh wow you guys are old" both the brothers stopped moving for a second, Shit.
"Well when were you born? " Seungcheol spoke up. Did these two switch roles or something? why did seungmin grow quiet all of a sudden.
"1997" I replied anyways. "Oh some of our members are your age" he replied. members? what members? "what do you mean by 'our members'?" "Oh I'm actually a K-" Seungcheol went to answer but seungmin cut him off "He has a huge friend group haha, so sometimes they refer to each other like that" Seungcheolshot him a glare but he didn't ignored it.
That didn't seem right, why did he cut him off like that. I didn't want to pry so I just continued like normal. "Oh I see haha, you must be quite popular then" "haha yeah he is" Seungmin answered for him.
The dinner went on somewhat normally I'd say, though Seungcheol returned to his earlier quiet self. Seungmin and I exchanged numbers and bid each other goodbye.
I went home 'cause I had nothing better to do. It was only 3:00pm, so I decided to research a little about HYBE and HYBE Idols. I found out more information on HYBE and apparently "Idols" are K-pop singers, that made a lot more sense.
It was already 8pm by the time I finished, so I made myself some dinner and got ready to head to bed. But before that I wanted to know what Seungmin was stopping Seungcheol from saying, I know I said I wouldn't pry but my curiosity got the better of me.
So I opened up google again. sigh...this is so stalker-y of me.
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