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Wonwoo Pov

"Yeseul, will you go with me to the hill. Remember the one I took you to last year?" "Oh, yeah sure! It was amazing last time, I'd love to go again"  she accepted enthusiastically. 

Well...this is it, I'm going to tell her. I am not going back on this decision.


"Woahhhh" she exclaimed and I laughed. she reacted just like last time, How cute. "What is it?" she asked "It takes so little to amaze you"  I said whilst laughing. "Hey! this isn't a little, this is so prettyyyy" I laughed again and she smiled at me. 

We stood in silence for a bit, but it wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable silence. I sighed. she turned to look at me and raised her eyebrows in question, I shook my head to say 'it's nothing', she nodded and turned back to look at the city. 

I should tell her...


Yeseul Pov

Yeah, this was what changed...the way I saw wonwoo. 

Last time I was immersed in the beauty of the city but this time I couldn't pay attention to what was in front of me, I got distracted by every little sound and breath of his. And I think I know why...

I like wonwoo.

"Yeseul...I have something to tell you. But I want you to listen to everything I have to say before you say anything, okay?" "Sure, go ahead."  My heart beat quickened. What is he gonna say? Will he maybe confess to me? ha yeah right, as if that would happen.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a second then began speaking "Yeseul...ever since I first met you I felt like it wasn't the same as how I felt when I saw other females, I felt drawn to you for some reason. I didn't believe in love at first sight because I thought it was illogical and that you have to get to know someone before having such thoughts but when I saw you that day...It just felt different, I felt warm inside. You constantly make me a better person, you care for me and you've never once left my side, even on days where I wasn't the nicest to you-"  we both laughed briefly at the thought of that day. "-You've always believed in me and cheered me on when I thought I couldn't do it. On days I felt worthless, on days I felt like I had been trapped in the dark with no way out. you were my light. You mean so much to me Yeseul and I know you might not have expected this but..." I knew the words that were coming next, making me tear up and smile at the same time. I never thought that my love for him would ever be reciprocated, I never thought that I was up to his 'level' or even close to it, but that didn't matter right now because- 

"-I love you Yeseul Yang."  He finished.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I couldn't stop smiling. He was looking at the ground in anticipation of what I would say in response to him. I couldn't get the words out of my mouth so I pulled him into a hug, he hugged me back immediately. His body was warm and welcoming, I wiped my tears and whispered "me too". He pulled away from the hug "W-what"  He spoke in shock, almost as if he didn't think I'd reciprocate.

I smiled and nodded. "I love you wonwoo." 

He smiled at me, tears forming in his eyes. we wiped each other's tears and put our foreheads together and I let out a sigh, "Is this real, wonwoo?" "Yes it is." He replied. We pulled away and looked into each other's eyes, taking in what just happened and how everything is going to change now. 

"I love you" wonwoo spoke again.

"I love you too." We both lean in and I close my eyes. 

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