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Yeseul Pov

I opened my eyes hoping it was just a bad nightmare but it wasn't. I was laying on my bed...the one in Seungcheol' s house. Okay, So I didn't go thaaat far back.

I turned on my phone to check what the date was. It was 2022 again. "It's last year? so this is when things changed? but I'm just laying in bed, what could possibly change right now" I spoke under my breath, I was so confused. Maybe tomorrow is when things change?

"OH MY GOD!" I exclaimed after realizing that tomorrow is the day me and wonwoo fought for the first time, the day he saw me crying. that changed everything?

I heard a few knocks on my door, "Sol are you okay?" ah I must have startled him with my loudness. This is the first event that didn't originally happen, so I've already gone off track. "Oh uh yeah I am haha, I just saw something on my phone that startled me. sorry for waking you." I frantically tried to come up with excuses. He stayed silent, wait did he leave?

"Yeseul, can I come in?" he spoke after a bit, his voice sounded shaky. "yeah sure, come in" He opened my door and walked in, sitting at the foot of my bed. He looked gloomy, actually come to think of it, he looked gloomy the whole day that day. "Hey, is everything alright?" He shook his head 'no'. Now I was concerned, how come I didn't notice last time. Was I too into my own affairs?

I got up from where was laying and moved to sit next to him on my bed. "Seungcheol, look at me" he didn't respond and continued to look at his lap, fiddling with his fingers. I gently held the left side of his face with my hand and turned it in my direction, His eyes were glossy with tears. I frowned. "Seungcheol, talk to me, what's wrong? you haven't looked good all day." He tried to open his mouth to speak but he couldn't get the words out, tears started streaming down his face and he pulled away from my hold and wiped them with his sleeves. I felt so bad that I didn't notice last time, he was all alone and I didn't even know. I pulled him into a hug and he reciprocated. "I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier" I whispered. He shook his head dismissively, "Not your-" He couldn't finish his sentence but I knew what he was trying to say. I rubbed his back and waited for him calm down.

He composed himself and pulled away, looking down at his hands that were placed on his lap, again "I'm a horrible leader" He said in a shaky voice. I felt my heart sting. "No. you're not, Seungcheol. You are the reason seventeen is a whole today. You are their backbone, without you seventeen isn't seventeen. What made you think that?" He gave me a soft, pained smile and turned back to face the floor. After a few moments, he started speaking.

"Wonwoo doesn't seem like his usual self lately, he seems down but he won't talk about it. He even lied to me recently, and he never does that especially not with me. This means that he thinks I'm not trust worthy. How does keeping seventeen together matter if my members don't even trust me. I still can't seem to figure out why he's not like normal, am I not even capable enough to know how they're feeling." He spoke, taking brief pauses in between sentences. I never knew that being a leader would take such a toll on someone.

"It's not your fault that wonwoo changed. Maybe he's going through something that he doesn't want to tell us. That is, in no way, your fault. It doesn't mean that you failed as a leader. Everyone has secrets and that's okay. He'll tell you soon enough, trust me" Wonwoo 's probably behaving like this because of what he thought about me and Seungcheol last time. There's no other explanation, at least that I can think of.

"Thanks, Yeseul" he gave me a smile and I smiled back "Anytime".


The next day

Today's the day. I need to keep my composure and not cry today, that may have been what changed something last time. I'll talk to him without any emotional influence during our 'argument'.

I can do it. I'll change our fate. Not only for my sake but also for wonwoo' s.

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