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Yeseul Pov

I was walking next to wonwoo, He was walking much faster than usual and I was struggling to keep up with his speed. "Um wonwoo, would like to hear your-" I started "Mr.Jeon." He spoke cutting me off. "H-huh?" I was confused. He stopped walking and faced me. "It will be Mr.Jeon or sir from now on, not wonwoo." He spoke sternly. His demeanor had completely changed.

"W-why, what's wrong?" I was quite scared. He was very intimidating, he didn't even feel like the wonwoo I knew anymore. "You're an assistant, behave like one. what kind of assistants call their boss by their first name." He spat out. I couldn't say anything back to him...why is he acting like this. "go to the car" He ordered. "B-but there's still time left to-" "I don't like repeating myself. Am I the boss or are you?" "I didn't mean it like-" I tried protesting but he cut me off "Go. To. The. Car. Now." I flinched "Ok sir..." I spoke, defeated. I walked towards the car. I need to get to know why he's acting like this.

Joshua Pov


"Something isn't right with wonwoo" Seungcheol spoke , walking into the practice room. "What do you mean?" I responded. "He seems off. He looks angry at something or someone but he won't tell anyone anything. Can you go after him and see what's up" He explained. "huh really? alright I'll go see"


I walked around, trying to find wonwoo, but I couldn't see him anywhere. "Mr.Jeon." welp there we go, I found him. Who is he talking to?

It was Yeseul. They seemed to be having a back and forth, well it was basically just wonwoo talking down at her. what's going on. "I don't like repeating myself. Am I the boss or are you?" "I didn't mean it like-" "Go. To. The. Car. Now." "Ok sir..." W-wow who is this guy, this isn't wonwoo. Seungcheol was right. Something's definitely up. I need to ask him- but wait...why does he look sad now? one second ago he was glaring at her and scolding her, and now he looks remorseful?

What is he pregnant or something? what are these mood swings.

Wonwoo Pov

She started to walk away. why am I doing this. "Wonwoo." I heard a voice call. I turned around and It was Joshua. "Yeah shua?" I responded as if nothing had happened "What was that about" he asked. shit, he saw it. "What was what about?" I played dumb. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about." he spoke calmly. "I really don't, I'm-" "Why were so rude to her?" He interrupted me. I stayed silent. "she was just trying to do her job. why are you throwing a tantrum for no reason, If you're mad at someone then go talk it out with them. Don't just go around getting mad at innocent people." This time, I stopped him "But shua. She is the one I'm mad at." I responded coldly.

Before he could say anything in return or ask me to explain, I walked away from him and made my way towards the car. Why am I being so immature. He is right I should talk it out but...what will I say? What can I say? 'Oh hey, I actually eavesdropped on your conversation with Seungcheol a week back and I'm mad and jealous for some unknown reason and I'm also not mad at Seungcheol but instead, I'm mad at you' Yeah, right . wow so reasonable.

I was at the car and was about to go in when I heard...sobs?

I opened the door and saw Yeseul turn swiftly in my direction with her eyes wide and swollen, her cheeks and nose were red and her mouth was quivering from crying. I froze. I couldn't believe it and that's when it hit me.

It was my fault.

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