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Yeseul Pov

we were walking back to the car to head home after enjoying the view for a bit. We reached the car and wonwoo opened the door for me again. what a gentleman. I thanked him and got in. We were silent the drive back until I decided to break the silence. "Um how did you find that place? " He turned to look at me for a second then turned back to face the road. He didn't say anything. maybe he didn't hear me? but he looked at me.

He took a deep breath and started speaking, "There was a time when I was at my lowest, I wanted to end everything but I came across this place and it gave me...hope. Hope to continue, from that height I could see all the people with different stories and having different situations...maybe even worse than mine, still continuing to live and moving on from the bad times in hopes of a change. Even though nothing was guaranteed to them they still chose to live. That gave me hope."

w-wow, I wonder what happened for him to think to such extremes, but I shouldn't pry. "Why would you take me to such a...special place to you?" I asked "Because you're- no never mind." He was about to say something but he cut himself off. huh? what was he going to say? 'you're' what?


He opened the door for me again, I hadn't realized that we had already reached my place. I got out and thanked him again both for taking me to that place and dropping me at my house. He smiled and nodded then he got in his car and drove off.

He's definitely...something else.

Wonwoo Pov

Ahhhhh why did I say all that to her what if she thinks I'm too emotional now, What is wrong with you Jeon Wonwoo-


hmm? who could be calling me? I read the caller ID and it was... scoups? I picked up. "Hello? what's up?" I spoke "Nothing it's just that you didn't come back to the studio so I wanted to know if you were home" Oh shit. I can't just say that I went out randomly with my manager outside work hours, He'll ask so many questions...but I don't want to lie to him. "No, I'm not home right now. I went out with...a friend" I replied feeling guilty. "Ah alright, get home safely and let me know when you reach home, okay?" Maybe he didn't catch on? "Sure" I replied. we spoke for a bit after that, then we hung up.

Seungcheol Pov


I was walking kkuma on the hill, cause she likes it when it's quiet and so do I, It feels more pleasant. The view from here is great too.

"Woahhh" I heard a female voice, huh that sounds familiar. I look in the direction of the voice and see Yeseul and...wonwoo? What are they doing here... together at that, maybe they just bumped into each other here? I'll ask him later. They soon walk of together. sigh I shouldn't do this. I follow after them and see them get into wonwoo' s car and drive off.


Why would you lie to me, wonwoo?

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