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5 years later

Seungcheol Pov

Yeseul and I have been married for 5 years now and we've had 4 children, three boys and a girl. I feel like everyday is a dream, I genuinely feel like the happiest man alive that I get to wake up everyday and see my beautiful wife next to me and spending at least half of my day almost everyday with my sweet little kids.

We went public about our relationship 4 years ago, initially I received a lot of backlash for it and people tried to find out more about Yeseul. They harassed her online after somehow finding her Instagram, her only social media account, she eventually ended up deleting her account both for her and my sake. Some even went as far as to approach her with malicious intent in person when she was alone in public, thankfully nothing happened and she handled it very respectfully even though she didn't have to, she never once wavered and she kept reassuring me that she's alright but I couldn't bare it.

I ended up taking a hiatus from my seventeen related activities and spent my time mostly staying at home with Yeseul and our twin boys, at the time our other kids weren't born and even our twins were just a few months old. I returned to seventeen with encouragement from Yeseul and the members after a two month hiatus.

By that time the situation had died down and most of them stopped caring about my relationship and the ones who still did, supported us. And now, almost all our carats support our relationship. However, I've still kept our kids faces hidden.

"Appaaaaaa~ come pway with us" Seunghwa, our two year old son, shouted from the backyard holding a football. "Yeah come play with us dad!"  Seonu and Yeonu, our four year old twin boys, yelled in unison. "Coming boys, coming coming"  I yelled back, quickly making my way to the backyard from the kitchen, I was tidying up after the the boys and I baked some cookies for Yeseul and Yeji, our one year old baby girl, they had gone out shopping with soobin, Jeonghan's younger sister.

I got to the yard and had just started playing with my boys when the door bell rang. "It's mommy and jiji!" Seunghwa said excitedly running towards the door and the twins and I followed him, he reached the door and started jumping up and down excitedly waiting for me to open the door. I smiled at him ruffling his hair and opening the door to Yeseul and our baby girl. I grinned taking the bags out of her hand and kissing her on the lips and placed a kiss on Yeji's forehead.

Yeji waddled in and the boys took her to the backyard and started playing again, leaving us alone. We slumped down on the couch and sighed. "How was the shopping?"  I asked "Tiring. How was taking care of the boys?"  She responded. I let out a laugh "Tiring."  We started laughing together. "Oh wait here, just a second"  I quickly made my way to the kitchen and brought out the cookies we made. "The boys and I made these" She smiled taking a bite "Woah they're amazing!" she beamed. "Oh are they now?"  I questioned with a smirk "Yeah! here try some-"  I cut her off with a kiss "Hmm yeah, they're pretty good" She blushed and hit my chest "You're so cheesy" She spoke between laughs. I gave her an exaggerated wink, She burst out laughing and I laughed along with her. "I'm so happy I met you" Yeseul smiled. "So am I."  I smiled back.

"If you could be reincarnated in your next life, would you do it?" she spoke up. I thought about it for a second. "Hmm if you're also there with me in the next life then yeah" "as what?" "as your lover."  I answered making her blush, she hugged me and spoke "I too would want to be reincarnated as your lover again."

hope you enjoyed the story, since it was my first time i apologize for any errors.
There were opportunities for me to drag out the story using misunderstandings but since i'm not particularly a huge fan of them and find it quite frustrating to read I decided against it and kept the story short and simple.
I was a bit unsure of which two members to choose while deciding whom to make the "leads" for this story, but I finally settled on S.coups and Wonwoo, as they just seemed to fit.

ANYWAY, i'm planning on writing a one-shots book next as it requires less commitment and each episode is an entire story in itself and of course, that also means there will be longer breaks between each episode so as to come up with ideas but that will only assure that each chapter will be more thought out.
So, I hope to see you there!

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