Words hurt (Seventeen)

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All week, the members had been teasing Minhyu. Normally, would just laugh it off, knowing they didn't actually mean it. However, lately he bad been feeling down, and he took all that teasing to heart. He didn't want to talk to the members about it because he knew they would say he was just overreacting.

One thing they have been teasing him about is his singing. Before, he could just take it. Although, now he's just been feeling insecure about his voice.

Another thing they have been teasing him about is pretending not to be interested. When they do that, he just feels so left out and ignored.

The members have been teasing him about other things too, but those are the ones that have been hurting him the most. He just wants all the teasing to stop.

Right now, the memers are just chilling in the dance studio, taking a break from practicing. Mingyu decided to sit away from them, thinking maybe that way they won't tease him. Of course though, that didn't work.

Jun started to imitate Mingyu's dancing. At first, Mingyu tried to not let it effect him. However, when the others joined in, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Would all of you just stop?!"Mingyu yelled.

Everyone immdiately stopped and looked at him.

"Mingyu hyung? What's wrong?"Dino asked.

Mingyu stood up, fuming. "You guys! You guys are the problem!"

"Us? We did nothing to you"S.Coups said.

"Nothing?! Are you fucking serious?!"Mingyu yelled, again.

Mingyu got even more mad and pushed S.Coups, which made the others yell at him.

"The past week, all you guys have been doing is teasing me. You've been teasing me about anything you can think about. At first, I thought I could take it, but I can't. It's been making me feel horrible about myself"Mingyu explained, through tears.

"We didn't know we were hurting you. We're sorry hyung"Vernon said.

"Fuck off"Mingyu replied, and walked out.

Sobbing, he started walking to a nearby recording room. As he got closer to one, he saw Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin walk out of it.

"Mingyu? What's wrong?"Jungkook asked.

Mingyu just shook his head and tried to walk away, but the three caught up to him and stopped him. Not wanting them to see him cry, Mingyu tried to get out of Jungkook's embrace, but Jungkook tightened his grip.

"Tell us what's going on, please"Taehyung said.

Mingyu was hesitant, but told them anyway. "T-The members have been teasing me non stop the past week. They've been teasing me about anything they can think of. I thought I could take it, but I can't. I've been feeling down this week, and they've been making me feel horrible about myself"

"I'm sorry.. Have you told them how you felt?"Jimin asked.

"I just blew up at them.. They were teasing me about my dancing and I blew up. S.Coups hyung said they didn't do anything and I pushed him. Vernon apologized but I told him to fuck off. That's when I ran out"Mingyu said, wiping some tears.

After a few minutes, they got Mingyu to calm down and decided to take him to Jungkook's place just to hang out for a little while and talk. Jimin took Mingyu's phone and texted the first person he saw, which was Jun.

The text: This is Jimin. Jungkook, Taehyung, and I caught Mingyu crying. He told us what happened. We are taking him to Jungkooks place to hang out and talk. If he decides to stay the night, he will. If he decides to stay longer, he will. You guys don't get a say in this. Tell the others.

After a little while, they arrived at Jungkooks.

"Are you hungry, Mingyu?"Jungkook asked.

"A little.. I didn't eat anything yesterday.."Mingyu said.

Jimin looked at him, worried. "What? Why?"

Mingyu shrugged. "Feeling too down, I guess"

"I'll order us something"Taehyung said, taking out his phone.

About thirty minutes later, their food arrived and they started eating.

"Mingyu..You know you can always talk to me. Why didn't you text, or call, me when you started feeling down, or when the teasing started bothering you?"Jungkook asked.

"I didn't want to be a bother, or be told I was overreacting"Mingyu said.

"You could never be a bother!"Jungkook exclaimed.

Jimin slightly hit his arm. "Also, you're not overreacting about it"

The rest of the night, the four of them just talked and hung out. Mingyu felt a lot better hanging out with them. When he woke up the next morning, he checked his phone and saw messages from all the members saying how they were sorry and stuff. So, he decided to back to his dorm and finally talk to him.

He told Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin. They were supportive and told him to text them on how it went.

"Can I come over this weekend though?"Mingyu asked.

"Of course"Jungkook said.

After Jungkook dropped him off, Mingyu shakily opened the door to the dorm. S.Coups, Vernon, and Joshua were watching TV. When they noticed, the turned off the TV and stood up.

"Hey.."S.Coups said.

Mingyu awkwardly nodded. "Hey.."

S.Coups then left to get the others so everyone could talk. After a few minutes, everyone was gathered in the living room.

"Let me start, all of us are really sorry hyung, We didn't know we were hurting you"Seungkwan said.

"If we even though for a second we were hurting you, we would have stopped"Wonwoo added.

Jeonghan sighed."I mean, usually you're fine with teasing"

It went silent for a moment, until Mingyu finally spoke. "I..suppose you're right. I've been feeling down the entire week. So, I guess that just made me sensitive to the teasing"

They all talked for another hour, and Mingyu forgived them. So, after everyone decided to go to bed, Mingyu pulled out his phone to text Jungkook.

The text: It went well. We all talked for an hour. I forgive them.

Soon after, he fell asleep, not feeling so down anymore, and happy he made up with everyone. Also, of course he was excited to see Jungkook again.

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