Concussion (BTS)

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RM had always been the clumsy one, which is why everyone called him God of Destruction. Breaking thing, getting hurt, and tripping over nothing was normal. If anything, it was expected.

When RM walked downstairs that morning, he didn't see a shoe on one of the steps and fell all the way to the bottom of the stairs. His vision went blury for a sec, then back to normal. He groaned when he opened his eyes again, and slowly sat up.

Jin walked over, hearing him fall all the way from the kitchen. He sighed when he saw it was RM, and just walked back to the kitchen.

"Wow.. Thanks so much for helping me hyung.."RM mumbled, sarcastically.

As he stood up, he almost fell over, but someone caught him. He looked over and saw Jungkook.

"Did you fall again, hyung?"Jungkook asked.

RM didn't properly register what he said and just stared at the maknae.

The maknae looked at him, confused. "Hyung..? You ok..?"

"O-Oh yeah, I'm good"RM said.

It wasn't long before the rest of the members woke up, and walked downstairs. Today, they had an interviews a performance, soundcheck for a concert tomorrow the next day, and then a Meet and Greet. RM wasn't in the mood for any of it.

After he fell, he started to get a headache. When he tried to eat, he instantly felt nauseous and couldn't finish his food. Jungkook looked over at his hyung and placed a hand on his shoulder, worridly.

The lights were too bright, everyone talking was just too loud, and the smell of food made him want to get sick. However, not wanting to worry Jungkook, RM just smiled and nodded his head.

"Hyung, if you're not hungry, why don't you go get dressed?"Jungkook suggested.

RM nodded and stood up to go get dressed, but he stumbled a bit. He suddenly felt dizzy, and before he could fall, he caught himself on his chair.

"Are you ok, hyung?"Jungkook asked.

RM nodded and hugged Jungkook, before walking away.

Jungkook watched his hyung, worridly, but decided not to really question it. He thought his hyung was probably not feeling well.

At the interview
(Korean interview)

While everyone was answering the interviews, RM just mostly laughed them off. Although, everytime he laughed, the pain in his head got worse, and after a few minutes, he laid his head on Jungkook's shoulder. It was normal for the boys to be doing that, so nobody really questioned it.

"Is he ok?"He heard the interviewer asked.

"He's just tired and have a headache. Don't worry Army"Jungkook said.

"Well, that's it for day! Hope you guys enjoyed and goodbye for now!"The interviewer said.

RM peeled his eyes opened and buried his face into Jungkook's neck.

Jungkook bent down, so his hyung could hear him. "It's time to go hyung"

"Noo.."RM mumbled.

Next thing RM knew, Jungkook had picked him up and started carrying him. Instead of telling the maknae to put him down, he just put his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Is he actually ok?"He heard Jimin ask.

"I say we just we bring him home to rest until we have our next interview"Jungkook said.

The members agreed and Jungkook carried his hyung to the van. Then, their manager came up to them.

"Change of plans guys. The next interview is being moved to half an hour from now....Is he ok..?"Their manager asked, looking at RM.

"He fell this morning and isn't feeling well right now"Jungkook said.

"I wish we could cancel but we can't, but he doesn't have to participate much, and the performance is only for one song"Their manager said.

Jungkook carried RM to the van and they all got in. After about ten minutes, they arrived.

"Come on hyung"Jungkook said.

"Can you carry me again?"RM asked, not wanting to walk.

Jungkook laughed, but nodded. The maknae then picked his hyung and carried him inside, putting him down on the couch.

When it was time to perform though, he started feeling worse. Halfway through the song, RM felt really nauseous and ran off stage to get sick.

He barely made it to the bathroom. So, he didn't have time to lock the door, and immdiately started getting sick.

He heard someone come into the stall, and the person started rubbing his back. The hyung instantly knew it was the maknae.

When RM finally stopped getting sick, Jungkook helped him up and carried him over to the sink, setting him down on the counter. Jungkook took some paper towel and wiped his hyungs mouth.

"Come on hyung. I think it's time for a hospital visit"Jungkook said.

RM nodded and Jungkook carried him out to the van. Their manager carried them to the hospital, and Jungkook carried RM inside.

"You guys go sit down. I'll check him in"Their manager said.

After a few minutes, their manager was done checking him in and sat down beside the two. RM made a mental note to thank the maknae later, but right now, he couldn't.

When it was time for them to see the doctor, the doctor confirmed that RM had a concussion. Jungkook, wanting to take care of his hyung, took note of when to give RM's pain meds for his head to him, and other things to do.

The next morning

As much as RM hated it, they had to cancel the concert. With RM having a concussion, and Jungkook being too worried about his hyung, it wouldn't really work out. He whined about it, but the maknae wasn't having it.

"Hyung, stop it."Jungkook said.

RM rolled his eyes and looked away from Jungkook. The maknae chuckled and started tickling his hyungs sides.

"Ok ok, stop, stop. Don't make my head worse from laughing"RM said, defeated.

The two decided to lay in bed for a while, watching TV and enjoying each others company. Of course, Jungkook still made sure to take care of his hyung, and make him take his medicine.

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