┣▇▇ 𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝙾𝚗𝚎 ▇▇═─

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The hedgehog whimpers as he started to wake up from his slumber, he tried getting up only for his body to start shaking before he tumbled back to the ground with small yelp, his voice sound hoarse from all the screaming he did during the surgery. Looking down he saw that wounded had healed...and started sniffing at his body before he lets out a small whimper...his body smelt different than normal, and felt different.

"Ah your awake...just in time for the next step of your experimentation."

The hedgehog only backs up into corner of the glass cage, trembling and whimpering...he only lets out a yelp when his roughly grabbed by the scruff of his neck. He didn't know where he was being taken...as his ears just tilted back at the sight of the mobians being treated like some lab rats, these humans had no mercy...or remorse.

He heard the shackles on his ankles fall to the floor, as he was thrown into another chamber, it looked like a treadmill, he yelps when he got a power shock to his side, he just started to move his legs despite the pain he was feeling cause of the surgery. He only whimpers when the shocking started to get in tense as he sped up his pace.

"Fascinating...Specimen Thirty-Two, seems to have super speed...no wonder it took bullets to capture him." The Scientist said.

The hedgehog only sniffs as his sides started to burn and smell like copper from his own blood, from his own skin burning. He only just felt tired...mostly from the blood loss, and his aching abdomen. "What do you think your doing?..."

"N-No m-more p-please..." The hedgehog thought as he body trembled he couldn't speak...not as much as he wanted it to his body just wouldn't let it happen, he only chokes when he grabbed by his collar and forced into another testing chamber.

He was already weak from the shocking, but with shaking legs he forced himself to stand...his ear tilted up slightly as he started to feel the ground move beneath him, in a panic he started running his paws struggling to grip onto any surface using his reflexes he curled up into a spike ball and just boosted his up to the the flat form, nothing new since normal hedgehogs can curl up into a ball, but the boosting is new.

The experiments lasted two hours for the poor mobian...he didn't get much time to sleep, or rest after each experiment...his body was just heavily scarred just to see how fast this chaos regenerated healing can work...which for very severe wounds not that fast nor was it reliable.

The scientist unlocks the door to a holding cell that looked an environment you would see at the zoo...it was just fake, and made to look like the outside...it was a big and spacious room for at least more then one mobian.

The hedgehog didn't really get a second thought a least it was roomier than those metal small cages, he yelps and whimpers when thrown into the cell, the door was forced closed. Shaking he forced himself up to stand...he looked down at his reflection.

His body had started to change figure was much slimmer, and slender, with pronounced curves and wider hips with thick thighs, he didn't care about his appearance anymore...he just wanted to pain to stop...he started drink from the water in the fake lake, before just collapsing onto his side on the fake green grass.

"S-So hungry...and Tired..." the hedgehog thought as his body just started to shut on him. He just feel into a deep sleep out in the floor.

The scientist left the hedgehog alone to rest, he got all the data he needed from those experiments...it was time to move on to the next stage of the experiment.

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