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Luke, in complete opposite to Shane, loved school. He loved all his subjects equally , maybe maths a little more than art, but all the same, Luke Hemmings loved school. He wasn't very popular at Marrison High but no one picked on him and he had the right amount of friends and good grades. His parents were proud of him and loved him and his other siblings dearly as a result of donating and sponsoring a lot to Luke's high school reasoning that his high school today is his siblings' high school tomorrow. His teachers adored him and he was part of the school's track team which kept him fit. He was blessed and nothing was really wrong with his life, yet he found it empty.

He knew people did talk about his family's wealth many times and how Luke didn't even have to go to school because he's "loaded" for life. Rumors flew around, but none of them bothered Luke. His parents were well-respected in the community and his life was planned out, not to live with his parents and rely on them, but to be a diligent hard-worker and be independent. He just felt sad sometimes, as if there was a void in his heart that he wanted to fill. He didn't get it though since he had everything. The money, cars, friends, grades, family, and even on rare occasions.. a shag.

A shag. Everyone in Marrison High was non-virgins. It's as if, it was a must! You have to not be a virgin by the time you're a junior or else you're kicked out, goodbye! He didn't really care for that rule till he first heard about Victoria Kelmore. Victoria was the town's favorite subject, the town freak. She's been the topic of this town ever since she was born! Of course, if you're the result of an affair between the beloved married mayor of the town and a maid then you'll surely be the talk. In addition, her father, Mr. Kelmore, God may rest his evil soul to the depths of hell, hated Victoria and did not support Victoria as a father or as a mayor or as anything in any way. She disappeared from the town's eyes till she was thirteen. The mayor and her mother were brutally murdered in which the only evidence found was a knife and of course, dear sweet, Victoria holding it.

Victoria was too young to be charged with first-degree murder or any murder charge at all, so she was sent to an asylum three towns back in which again, the town soon forgot about her. It wasn't until she was sixteen and arriving back from the asylum in which everyone started talking about her again. No foster home would take her and when her half-brother, James Kelmore, passed away from suicide when she was seventeen, the whole town blamed Victoria for it which caused more talk to erupt about her. See? she's the star of Oceanside Valley.

Luke didn't actually meet her until his very first junior party. His older friend, Ashton who was a senior at Marrison High had warned Luke that Victoria was coming and to beware since everyone was being alerted as if she was some kind of terrorist. Luke became too preoccupied with a girl named Emily or was it Amelia? To worry about the town celebrity. Either way he was on his way up the stairs, ready to shag this extremely hot chick from his math class when someone cleared their throat on top of the stairs.

"I don't really care about what you're about to do, but I'm trying to go down the stairs and you're both blocking my way." The harsh girl said, glaring at him and Emily/Amelia.

Luke stared at her, he took in her appearance as best as he could although his mind was a little foggy from drinking a few red cups of alcohol. She had dark auburn hair that was tied in donut kind of shape and she wore a tight black shirt that fit her in all the right places, plus jeans that just made Luke's jaw drop. The last thing he noticed was a black elastic necklace which clung on the skin of her neck. He thought it was a tattoo at first, but then realized it was a rubber band.

The strange girl pushed passed the two horny teens unknowingly killing the mood between Luke and Amelia or maybe it was Emily. At first, Luke was angry that the town freak ruined his chances of ever getting a shag before junior year ended, so he started researching about her. He gathered as much information as he could about her and watched her from afar.

That's right, Luke. Stalker mode on.

Pretty soon, the blonde virgin forgot that he was angry at the mysterious girl. The more he watched her and learned about her, the more he realized that he wanted to change how the entire town thought about her. She wasn't an evil murderer, she was a human being that experienced many, many deaths in her life and was also blamed for most of them.

He saw Shane Kelmore in a different light. He can't pinpoint exactly what event changed his mind about her whether it was the secret visits to the elderly home or when she would feed the stray animals during lunch.

She wasn't a devil, she was an angel in disguise.


i found a bunch of my diaries and im literally like luke with this stalking thing smh

basically just explaining why luke is so wow over shane !

expect more updates to this !

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