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It took awhile for Shane to realize she was late for school. Her alarm was only buzzing now instead of blaring signifying that she must've hit snooze earlier. She felt as if she got zero hours of sleep with her eyes weighing down begging for more rest and her bed whispering "stay".

Shane fought the urge to skip knowing very well that another absent can cause her a notice to her counselor who might actually send her to military school if she kept behaving badly. As if a shaved head and a trumpet alarm at five a.m is worse than an entire town thinking she's a murderer, Shane thought to herself. She grudgingly stood up, made her bed, and got ready for hell, oops she meant school.

She chose to wear an orange choker to match her faded orange jeans and her stripe crop tee. It was tighter than most of her choker collection which she liked. It gave her the sensation of being held and she never experience that kind of feeling unless you can count the times she was held down in the hospital to take her medication.

It's taught that medicine is used to cure you but in reality it can also be used to destroy you. She was given so much pills, drugs, and injections that some memories from her past seem like dreams causing her to question whether which is fake or real. Most of the time this isn't an issue for Shane since if it's happy memories, she stores them as dreams and bad ones as memories. Except for the night that her parents were murdered. She sometimes dreamt that a killer came in the house and brutally murdered her mother and father, but then sometimes there's a version of her parents fighting that turned very violent causing her mother to kill her father then committing suicide out of guilt, yet that wasn't the worst version of this night. Shane's worst version was thirteen years old her grabbing a knife from the kitchen and as a voice commanded her, murdered both her parents. From all the medications she took, she labeled all of these "dreams". She knows her parents are dead, she's blamed for it and that's her reality


Today was currently Wednesday. The middle of the week. Shane disliked Wednesday more than the whole world despised Mondays because Wednesdays were like middle of the week black holes. Nothing good ever happened on a Wednesday. Her parents were murdered on a Wednesday, her brother killed himself on a Wednesday, and the judge declared her verdict guilty on a damn Wednesday. Shane already knew that today was going to be a bad day.

When she walked out the door, a black Honda was waiting across the street. Shane walked on to the bus stop, completely ignoring the strange car but was stopped when the car honked at her. The door opened and revealed the lanky boy that ruined her book. Luke Hemmings.

"What are you doing here? It's too early, I don't take account of any of the actions I will take towards you if you don't leave me alone." Shane yelled at him from across the street as he walked towards her.

"Good morning, Shane! I hope your week has been great so far?" Luke asked waving at the irritated girl.

Shane couldn't help but notice the bandage wrapped around his hand and felt a little guilty. The incident happened last week yet his hand still isn't better.

"When is your hand gonna get better?" She asked curiously at the preppy boy who grinned from ear to ear.

"It'll get better if you let me give you a ride?" Luke suggested, his voice a little bit of a whisper, nervous of what the intimidating girl might reply.

Shane's first and initial response was "no", yet she still found herself on the passenger seat of the black Honda.


"I would've said thank you, but you basically forced me to ride your car." Shane bitterly said, rolling her eyes while getting off the car.

"You're welcome." Luke said warmly in response to her cold banter.

Shane was confused. It was the kind of confusion, you experience in math class. The kind where when you look at the equation, it's like a foreign language. Luke was being too nice to her, it was like a joke. She half-expected to be drenched in pig blood by now because this kind of kindness to girls like her only happened in movies like Carrie and she still ended up dead.

"Can you stop being so weird?" She asked him, while he walked her towards her locker carrying her bag which he fully insisted on doing.

"Can you stop being so cute?" Luke replied winking at the petite girl.

Shane felt like slapping him, but at the same time she restrained her hand. She looked up at the tall, lanky boy and gave him a small smile.

"Now we can't do anything about that." Shane whispered before walking towards the other direction.

Maybe Wednesdays aren't so bad after all...


can i have a luke to pick me up pls

((and most of u might be like why is her driving?? his hand?? i remember my uncle had a cast on his arm and he still drove like it's just a bandage he can still steer))

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