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Shane was siting on a rather uncomfortable chair, it was those crappy plastic ones you can purchase from dollar tree and it made her butt feel like they were sitting on something rocky and alien. She hated it, but she was staying because the nurse and the tall boy had yet to step out of the examine room which is really just a part of the nurse room covered with a curtain. She could hear him yelping and whimpering a few times that she felt kind of bad for laughing at him, but when she peeked at him earlier he was smiling as if he won the lottery.

After what feels like eons, the hippo curtains finally withdrew revealing Mr. Limon writing down some things on his clipboard and the tall boy smiling a little at her, waving with the non-injured hand.

"Is he going to live, Doctor?" Shane asked jokingly at Mr. Limon who was so concentrated at his studies that he didn't even realize Shane was still there.

"I suspect that his hand will swell for at least a week, so make sure to keep ice on that and also he has to take pain killers because one small movement can cause a great deal of pain." Mr. Limon explained nodding his head up and down at her, and looked at her as if he knew that she caused this injury.

Shane nodded and walked out the office knowing well that if she stayed, the boy would have tried conversing with her leading that to a million apologies and her being annoyed. She'd rather not bash his other hand.

She heard someone's squeaky vans that kept rubbing the floor and immediately knew it was the tall boy. His signature sound echoed in the hallway as the only sound being heard was 'squeak squeak'. She quickly increased her pace not wanting to converse with the boy.

"Wait! Victoria! Wait!" The boy called out to her increasing his pace also. The boy's hand was throbbing from gripping the papers that Mr. Limon gave him and he tried ignoring the pain and focused on getting the attention of the stubborn girl.

"Victoria! Can you hold up, please? Vicky!" He yelled, knowing well that the classes could probably hear his loud calling, but he could careless.

The girl stopped at her tracks. She turned around slowly, unclenching and clenching her fist as her pale face reddened almost matching the color of the necklace she was wearing. Her brown hair covered her face partly making her look more intimidating as it was, as she walked towards the boy.

"What did you call me?" She asked, blowing a piece of hair that covered her eyes, looking straight up at the boy who was looking down on her. Although she was probably a whole foot shorter, he felt as if he was tiny against her stare and not a giant that he was.

"Victoria?" He whispered to himself as he shrunk under her piercing gaze.

"No, the other name." She said, standing up straight and fixed her hair so that it no longer covered any part of her face.

"Vicky?" The boy asked confused on why she could possibly be affected by that nickname. He heard people refer to her as 'Vicky' all the time, so he presumed it was already her nickname.

"My name is Shane. I'm not Victoria, I'm not Vicky, I'm Shane." Shane said poking the boys chest while she spoke, her voice getting louder each time.

"Shane, as in S-H-A-N-E, it's like lane, but Shane-"

"I understand, Shane. I'm sorry, I called you Vicky or Victoria." The boy said stopping her from further ranting at him since she started jabbing his chest extra hard when she started spelling her name.

"Just don't ever call me Victoria or Vicky again, okay? If you do , then you're dead." She threatened sounding as if she was about to cry any second.

The tall boy simply nodded and started walking away from her since he felt awful for causing her some kind of pain, he didn't even notice the own throbbing pain that his hand was under. He always screwed everything up as he though negatively about what was wrong with him and how he failed her.

"Hey, lanky! Can I get your name?" A soft voice shouted across the hall. The boy turned around finding Shane jogging towards him with a small tiny smile that you have to really pay attention too because if you didn't if would look as if she wasn't smiling at all.

The boy was speechless, he wiped his glasses and put them back on so that his eyes could focus back on the asker. Was the girl of his dreams really asking for his name? besides calling him lanky, he felt as if he couldn't be more happier than he was now.

"My name is Luke, Luke Hemmings." He introduced himself, holding out his hand for the girl to shake. The girl snickered when she saw the hand and walked away leaving Luke in a confused, happy bliss.


damn shane finally learns his name and i know she comes off as really mean but that's just her ok don't judge

i got this text from cassidy saying that shane is an absolute d!ck and i was like idc ha ha ha love y'all

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