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After Wednesday, Luke made it a habit to pick Shane up for school every day. She didn't want to admit it, but she was thankful she didn't have to deal with all the stares and crap she got on the bus anymore. Shane was just worried that Luke would want something in return, she would probably punch his face and tell him 'here's the exchange' if he ever asks her.

Luke always tries to initiate conversation between both of them, yet everyday he fails to get Shane interested in anything he talks about. She just sits there doing nothing till they arrive to school. Shane waits for Luke to get out of the car and goes out after five minutes to avoid any unwanted rumors about her and Luke.

Today, Luke gave up with trying to talk to Shane about anything and brought out a CD playlist he made the night before. He filled it with his favorite songs and he wanted to drown out the silence with his favorite albums and artists. Remembering Sunday started playing and Luke started to sing the lyrics unknown that the girl next to him was mouthing the words as well.

"You know this song?" Shane asked the lanky boy who was drumming the steering wheel.

"You know this song?" Luke repeated sarcastically before continuing to sing the song.

"It's my favorite song." Shane replied singing along with Luke and smiling.

"I feel like it's more than just the meaning, you know?" Luke said before staring at the interested girl and continued, "It's about what happened after Sunday and what the singer learned. I feel like everyone's too focus on the drama that they forget this is a feel-good song."

"I agree! I think it's really overlooked that Remembering Sunday is about reminiscing and moving on. I guess it just shows how hard of a task moving on is." Shane said thinking about everything she's been through in her life.

Luke realized what was happening. He was having an actual conversation with her, the almost love of his life. He said 'almost' because he knew he couldn't be in love yet. Luke was just so fascinated by her and he wanted to protect her at all costs.

"We're having an actual conversation." Luke pointed out smiling at the girl who hummed the song till the end.

"I know." Shane agreed smiling back at the boy.

Shane liked the comforting feeling that Luke brought her. She felt as if she could stay in his car with him forever as long as this feeling continued. Her tough exterior slowly broke down as she felt that Luke actually cared for her.

"Why do you give a sh*t about me?" Shane asked the boy who turned off his car radio to focus more on her and the road.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked. He was confused on why Shane would ask such an out-of-the-blue question like that.

"You treat me differently as if I'm not Victoria Kelmore, the town murde-"

"Shut up." Luke firmly interrupted. He took a left to the empty gas station and parked so he could focus more on the conversation that he was currently in.

"You can't just tell me to shut up!" Shane yelled, angered that Luke was so rude to her. Her tough exterior slowly building it's way back brick-by-brick.

"Don't call yourself a murderer! You and I both know that you are far from that!" Luke yelled back to the furious girl who was tugging on the choking necklace she was wearing.

"You're the only one who believes that I didn't do it, Luke. Why can't you just be like them? What the f*ck do you want to accomplish!" Shane cried furiously at the stubborn boy. She couldn't believe how fast the atmosphere changed from a comfortable one to one that she couldn't wait to escape.

"I want to prove them wrong." Luke quietly answered, hoping to calm back the mood in the car.

"Prove them wrong? All my life, I've been a mistake. I was wrong to be born, Luke. You can't ever change that." Shane sobbed. She never talks about any of this with anyone unless you count her dead brother. All those feelings of hatred and sadness courses through her, and she wanted all of them out.

"I want them to meet someone other than an affair's result or a suspect of a murder. I want them to meet Shane, not Victoria." Luke explained before turning on the engine and driving back to the road.

"Okay." Shane replied. She didn't know if he was serious or not although assuming from his outburst earlier, he must be.

"We're going to do this together, Shane. Don't worry," Luke assured her before grabbing her hand which startled her, "Although can I ask you a really random question?"

"You're already asking a question, dumbtit."

"Come on, please?"

"Okay, go for it."

"Why are you so obsessed with those things?" He asked wondering why the brunette girl wore those elastic necklaces that marked her neck when she took them off, which she barely did.

"What things?" She retorted, rolling her eyes at the blonde boy as she wiped the left over tears from her face.

"The choking necklaces crap." He responded, pointing towards the black one she had on today. She owned probably a million of those all varying different colors, but this black one was probably her favorite, or so he noticed.

"I would tie a noose around my neck, but I decided on these instead." She answered, laughing at the clueless boy who had it all. The cars, the money, the food, everything, while she had nothing but these elastics to give her comfort.

She was wrong. He didn't have everything, because if he did, he would have her.


this is the official point of when everything exciting finally happens like operation clean shane's name is on the go !!!

also, did anyone else notice the prologue on that last part ;-)


shan UR wo(MAN)

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