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so a lot of people (five) have been asking me about Shane's two names and what her real name is.

i explained it all in the past chapters but if you still don't get it basically her birth name is Victoria Kelmore given to her by her mom and her dad's last name is Kelmore soo technically her real name is Victoria Kelmore BUT after all the things that have happened with her parents, Victoria wanted to change her name and identity so she changed her name (like what she told people to call her, not LEGALLY, like a nickname) to Shane Davies. It will be explained in a later chapter on why she chose Shane because there's this cute fluff with michael (spoiler) , but I have already revealed in a previous chapter that she chose Davies after a kind woman whom she lived with (she went from home to home since everyone neglected her).

also i get messages a lot (three so far lol not a lot) about this plot, if you haven't figured it out from the last chapter, luke is basically saying he wants to clear shane's name..so this is where their journey as shuke? lhane? (HELP ME MAKE A SHIP NAME) begins!!!

lastly, although this story isn't as popular as the baby project, I love love all the feedback , votes, comments, and even the questions. this is one of the fics that i lost hope on till a few of you started commenting about loving so i'm definitely continuing it !!

UPDATE DAYS : wednesdays and/or sundays

((i'll be updating like twice a week now hopefully as long as the positive vibe keeps flowin))

love yall!!



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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