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A boy with short bicolored hair and a mole under the corner of his left eye looked at the children that were playing hide and seek. His left side of hair had a lighter shade of blue and his right side a darker shade. He was hiding in an abandoned treehouse.

Suddenly, the male heard a voice behind him. "You're here. I thought so." A boy with blonde hair and peach tips appeared behind him.

The blue haired male looked at the boy in front of him and silently nodded.

"You know, you really made me worry a lot. Just disappearing like that for 4 months and then acting like nothing happened. You even ignored me the whole time. Why?" the blonde asked.

The boy rested his face in his hands. "I'm sorry."

The blonde sat down next to him. "Don't apologize. Just tell me what happened."

"...I can't. It's too much for me to handle right now..."

The blonde looked at the blue haired male who had still covered his face in his hands. "I'm your best friend, Toya...Why? What exactly happened? You'll feel a lot better if you tell someone about your problems."

The male, whose name appeared to be Toya, remained silent.

The blonde sighed. "Well, I won't force you to tell me...But you should know that you can tell me everything, okay?" With that he stood up and climbed down the treehouse.

Toya removed his hands from his face, looked out of the window and saw the blonde male chatting with someone. He had never seen that person before. He had ginger colored hair and that was about everything the blue haired could see from the distance.

A light breeze brushed through Toya's hair as he stood up. "I have to go to class soon or dad's gonna be mad," he thought as he climbed down the treehouse as well. Making sure that no one saw him, he sneaked into his classroom. Since the bell for the third lesson hadn't rang yet, not a single person was in the room. Well, except for his teacher.

She looked at the blue haired male in surprise. "Oh? Nice to see you again, Toya. Your mother has already informed me that you would come visit us again. I hope you're feeling better now."

The blue haired bowed down to the woman with short brown hair. "I'm feeling better now, thanks Mrs. Meiko."

The teacher smiled at him. "If you want, you can sit down already. Lesson's starting soon, anyway. I still have to grab some stuff from the staff room." The woman took the keys from the desk and left the room.

Toya sat down on a seat in the back row at the window, rested his face in his arms and closed his eyes, enjoying the cool summer breeze that brushed through his hair.

A Broken Heart cannot be fixed (AkiToya)Where stories live. Discover now