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Toya and Rui were walking to Akito's and Tsukasa's seats. Tsukasa noticed them and smiled. "Hey, wanna hang out?"

Rui crossed his arms. "When Toya's around you're asking if we want to hang out, but when it was just me then I always had to run after you. Do you hate me that much?" The purple haired looked at Tsukasa.

The blonde gave back a confused look. "...What...?"

Rui shook his head. "Never mind. Let's go."

The boys followed Rui to the abandoned treehouse, which they always used as a secret place. The purple haired sat down under the tree and Tsukasa followed him. He was still confused about what Rui said earlier.

"Did I...do something wrong?" the blonde asked.

Rui looked at him and sighed. "No, you didn't."

"Then what did you mean earlier?"

"It's nothing. Forget that."

"Rui..." Tsukasa looked into the yellow eyes of the purple haired male.

Rui stroked through Tsukasa's hair. "It just feels like you've replaced me with Akito." He smiled.

"...What?? Why would I ever replace you with Akito?"

"Haha, I don't know. You guys are just so close, one time you even forgot I existed."

"...I'm so sorry, Rui! I- I don't even know myself..."

"Don't worry, it's alright." The purple haired gave the blonde a warm smile.

"You should've told me sooner that it seems like I'm replacing you." Tsukasa hugged Rui and buried his face in his shoulder. "Sorry. Really."

"I know, I know. Stop apologizing." Rui giggled and gently stroked Tsukasa's hair.

In the meanwhile, Akito and Toya watched them from a distance. "What are they doing?" Akito asked the blue haired male.

"I don't know, I can't hear them from here but I guess they made up."

"Did they have a fight?"

Toya looked at the ginger haired boy. "...Not really."

Akito looked at Toya confused and their eyes met. Toya immediately looked away, surprised by the sudden eye contact. "Rui thought that Tsukasa replaced him with you."

"Why would he replace him with me...?"

The blue haired shrugged and looked at the two cuddling. "...I think we shouldn't disturb them right now." He started walking past them and climbed up the treehouse, Akito following him.

"Those two are pretty close, hm?"

"Yeah, they've always been really close. Ever since we were kids." Toya walked to his beloved corner and laid down on the floor.

Akito watched him as the blue haired closed his eyes and peacefully drifted off.

A Broken Heart cannot be fixed (AkiToya)Where stories live. Discover now