⊹ ࣪ ˖ 14 - 𓇢𓆸

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Toya laid on Tsukasa's bed and finally decided to tell the blonde boy about his feelings for Akito. It's been already a week since he was at the summer festival with the ginger haired boy.

Tsukasa sat next to Toya on the bed and listened to him.

"You should tell him. Or maybe try to tell him indirectly," Tsukasa suggested.

"I don't want to be rejected, though...I don't even know if he likes men."

The blonde sighed. "Well of course there's a possibility that he rejects you but as I know Akito, he would probably try not to hurt your feelings. Oh, and also, you know he's pretty popular, right? It's just a matter of time until he finds a partner."

Toya whined. "Yeah, i know...How did that suddenly work with you and Rui??"

"Ah, well...Rui wanted to meet up randomly and we were watching a movie at my place. It was a romance movie. At first I didn't get why Rui randomly wanted to watch that movie but at the end of it he told me about his feelings for me and placed a peck on my forehead. I actually thought I'd explode. My heart was beating so fast, haha." The blonde let out a small chuckle.

"...And what did you respond?"

"At first I only looked at him, unable to say anything. To be honest, I thought it was a joke. I mean no one ever told me that they liked me in a romantic way. And then it was a boy...plus he was my crush. I just couldn't believe it. A bit later I told him that I felt the same and well, now we're a couple."

The blue haired blinked at Tsukasa a few times. "You never told me that Rui was your crush."

The blonde scratched the back of his head. "Haha, yeah...I don't know? You never asked."

Toya gave Tsukasa an "are you serious" look which made the blonde laugh.

"Well, now. Let's ask Google how to confess to your crush."

"Google?? Even if you ask Google, I don't think it'll help me. Do you know how hard it is??"

"Yeah, yeah..." the blonde mumbled and scrolled through his phone. "Okay so you could write him a letter, ask him out to a date or text him on WhatsApp..." Tsukasa said while still scrolling through his phone. "Hmm...send him a surprise present, make a romantic playlist for him...or just flirt with him."

Toya looked at the other boy. "That would all be weird. And I'm not good at flirting."

Tsukasa sighed. "Just try it out. How did you get Yuki's boyfriend anyway?"

The blue haired's expression seemed to have saddened as he thought about his ex boyfriend.

"That was a completely different situation, though...Yuki and I have been knowing each other for years and it wasn't that awkward...It was like our feelings for each other were completely obvious."

Tsukasa stayed quiet for a while. "...Well, yeah. That's true."

Suddenly, Toya got a notification on his phone. He quickly looked at Tsukasa with widened eyes.

„What's wrong??" the blonde asked confused and looked at Toya's phone.

One new notification

—Akito<3: heyyy do you wanna sleepover at my place tonight? no one's home

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