⊹ ࣪ ˖ 19 - 𓇢𓆸

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Toya sat on the bathroom floor in his home. He was filled with panic.

After he threw up the sunflower petals in the school bathroom, the blue haired quickly decided to run home so that no one could see his condition.

He was already sitting in the bathroom for more than two hours, but he just couldn't stop throwing up and coughing.

His phone was ringing the whole time but he didn't have the strength to answer any calls or messages from Tsukasa.

He eventually just collapsed on the floor and closed his eyes.


The blue haired was lying on the endless meadow again but this time, Akito wasn't lying besides him.

Toya closed his eyes and enjoyed the calming breeze and the comforting silence.

"It's blank again...Just like it used to be before I got to know Akito. Haah..." Toya let out a sad sigh and not soon later, tears slowly ran down his face. "What did I do to deserve this...?"

"Toya? Toya?! Toya, wake up!!"

The blue haired boy woke up to someone shaking him violently. He slowly opened his eyes and looked into the desperate face of Tsukasa.

"You- what the hell happened?! Why is there blood everywhere...and flower petals?!" The blonde gave Toya a really worried look.

"It's nothing-" Toya wanted to speak, but got interrupted through coughing again.

And another time, bloody sunflower petals made their way out of Toya's mouth.

Tsukasa looked at him in absolute shock. "...T-Toya...?"

The blue haired male sat up and hugged Tsukasa tightly. "...I don't know what's happening, Kasa...I'm scared," he whispered with a shaky voice, which signalized that he was about to break down.

The blonde hugged him back. "...How...why...what?" Tsukasa was clearly confused as he tried to process what he just saw.

"I-I don't know myself...When I went into the bathroom in our school, it all started..."

The blonde hugged him. "I'm so sorry that you had to see that girl kissing Ak-"

Toya coughed again. This time it was way heavier than the last times.

The blonde watched Toya terrified. He felt useless because he couldn't help his best friend. "...Do you...need something to drink?" Tsukasa's voice started to get shaky too.

The blue haired nodded weakly and Tsukasa immediately rushed to the kitchen to bring Toya a glass of water.

"You...we need to get you to a hospital, Toya..." he said as he gave Toya the glass of water.

Toya just shook his head. "No...please. I don't want anyone to know about this..."

Tsukasa looked at his best friend worriedly. "...But why are you suddenly coughing up flower petals...?" The blonde took out his phone and searched for information.


"...Hanahaki Disease...?" Tsukasa mumbled and scrolled down. The further he read, the more his eyes widened.

Toya looked at him with a worried look. "...What is it?"

Tsukasa gulped and started to read the article out loud.

A Broken Heart cannot be fixed (AkiToya)Where stories live. Discover now