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The day was relaxing, as birds fly across the sky, and grass sways in what little wind the day brings, you could almost let your body sink in with the things around you. A butterfly, yellow and bright, flutters to a flower, fluttering its wings as it perks on the colourful plant. That is, before it got crushed by a robot that tumbles to the ground after my amazing spin dash. The robot crashes and twitches as it powers off, sparks emitting from its body. It whirrs in a final song and- hey, wait, are you still paying attention to that one? I'm already onto my 5th since!

Okay, clearly you aren't paying much attention, lets start with introductions, hi, I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, fastest and coolest thing alive. And this planet we stand on? It's called Mobius, where mobians of all different shapes and sizes live, but ofcorse, there is never a peaceful moment, that's why I'm here, that robot you were looking at for quite some time is the creation of DR Eggman. A bald fat guy with a long moustache. Eggman always tries to defeat me, but he is the one losing! He wants to- rule the world, or something stupid like that.

"Sonic! Heads up!" A high toned voice yells from above, I barley have time to look up in the sky before a broken robot is coming my way, I curl myself up just in time as it lands around me, my spin dash denting a space for me to free from, I push scraps of metal aside and look back up to see a plane gliding to the side, a yellow fox looking at me with relieved eyes as he realises I'm okay. "Thanks Tails!" I yell, putting a thumb up at him, Tails nods and turns the plane away, the awesome plane he made called the 'Tornado'. That fox up there is Tails, the geeky and smart fox with two tails, he's my best bud, young, but so determined at his role.

As I turn, I'm met with a hammer flying towards me, I duck quickly, and the hammer meets a robot that had tried to sneak up on me. I look up and see a gloved hand extended to help me up, I take it and smile. A pink hedgehog with green eyes and a red dress looks at me, she smiles herself. "Nearly got me, Amy!" I say, Amy giggles, hopping to grab the overly sized hammer, she picks it up with ease. "Glad I didn't, Sonic." She says, continuing with her own destruction of robots. That's Amy, super kind, and very friendly, she brings the team together, I think she used to have a crush on me, but she grew out of it.

I hear sounds of scraping metal and perk my ears to the noise, I run around before finding where it came from. An echidna, red furred, purple eyes, and a white crest on his chest, is grinding two bots together with his white boxing gloves. I rush over and stand on top of the robots and look down at the echidna. "Knuckles, as much as I like the idea you're helping, try not to make me go deaf with that sound." I say, tapping my foot on the robot, Knuckles looks up at me, then throws the robots halfway across the field, he knows well enough I don't follow them, I stand next to him and watch them. "Better." I grin, running off. Knuckles is strong, stubborn and has some serious anger issues, but he is no threat, he is learning. He spends most of his time guarding this relic called the Master Emerald, when he does not guard it, he has hidden it where none can find it, sometimes he himself forgets where he put it.

I barley miss a laser from above, I skid to a halt and look up, floating in the air, is a half sphere, inside the sphere, is that Eggman I was talking about. He grins and looks down on me, leaning on that silly convertible. "Scared you?" Eggman asks, I snort, putting my gloved hands on my hips. "The only thing that scares me is how that balloon of yours supports your weight!" I reply, I hear Tails from the air laughing. Eggman frowns, he hits the arm rest inside the convertible and yells. "Enough mockery!" He presses some buttons from the screen in front of him and grins widely at me.

I'm quite confused on what he is doing, because there is an eerie silence. "What's wrong Eggman? Some cool invention not being cool?" I tease, Eggman looks disappointed and stares down. "I knew I should've brought some snacks." He says, I tilt my head slightly. "What?" I reply, suddenly, I am hit with many different situations. Tails is yelling from above for me to watch out, Amy is turning to look at me with horror in her eyes, Knuckles has suddenly crouched low with his fists close to his face, and worse of all, when I turn to see what they're looking at, I'm hit hard with a foot, I fall to the ground and struggle to get up, my ears pin as pain throbs on my head. "To enjoy the show." Eggman replies, his convertible flying back.

For a few seconds, I'm shocked, and I feel claws grab my quills and throw me across the field, I crash into some metal. I hear Eggman laughing away but I'm more distracted by my attacker who is walking closer to my wounded body. For a moment, I thought it was metallic Sonic (a robot created by Eggman that looks a lot like me). But I meet eyes with a black figure, it looks so much like a hedgehog, but I can't pick up any details, only the tied-up quills and long back quills, eyes red, but no white shows anywhere, they're just pupils. I back up into the metal, trying to avoid this strange thing's unsettling stare, my hand touches some loose metal and out of instinct, I pick it up and hit the figure with it. The figure kneels and growls, giving me enough time to run across to face Eggman again before it recovers. "What did you do? What is that thing!?" I yell at him, Eggman leans back in his seat.

"Sonic, meet EXE, fast, powerful, and very slick. One good tip, don't turn your back on her." Eggman says, my spine crawls and when I look back, the figure who is EXE is nose to nose with me. I back up and EXE uses her long unsettling claws to rake across my quills, I yelp and fall. "Hold up, this is too much, c'mon Eggy, tell her that's enough." I say as EXE leans down and stares at me, a unnatural smile creeping on her face, such sharp teeth... Eggman doesn't reply, and for a moment, as EXE raises a claw to emit a death blow, I think it's game over. When a flash of green light appears from above EXE.

It happens so quickly, EXE is on the ground beside me, her red eyes closed, and a sound of annoyance rises from her mouth. I'm being picked up, when I am put down, I'm beside Amy and Knuckles, but I feel fur touch my shoulder and when I look beside me, a black hedgehog stands strongly, his crimson eyes on EXE, his quills bristled in ferocity, and his hands in a fist. I smile. "Glad you could join us, Shadow." I say, Shadow's ear flicks and he grunts, crouching in a battle stance. "I'm not here to tickle Death's nose, consider yourself lucky you are alive, Faker." Shadow says. Shadow isn't my friend, we are rivals, but from time to time, we work together to save Mobius, if he is here now, something is not good in his books.

I look back over to EXE, she is standing once more, wiping blood from her cheek, she looks over at me, and a chuckle rises from her throat, she runs over and Shadow punches her away, EXE takes a moment to recover. "Pitiful, Eggman, relieve this being from its cells. This can escalate quickly." Shadow says, Eggman shakes his head. "No take backs, that thing made a deal and I have no doing for her next decision." Eggman replies, at this Shadow tenses, and when EXE launches again, she has learnt from her mistakes, when Shadow tries to punch her, she ducks down and kicks at Shadows chest, taking the moment of vulnerability to rake her claws against his body.

I watch as Shadow steps back, blood pouring from his wound, but he punches EXE away when she tries again, he limps back and I watch Amy help him stand, he passes her his thanks by touching her shoulder and standing up straight. I smile, but in this simple gesture, I am distracted, Shadows eyes catch the attack before I can, and he yells out. "FAKER." Before I feel such force hit my body, and I feel a cold sense rise in my veins. I stand still, shocked, but when I turn to see what happened, nothing meets my eyes, just the field of grass, no Eggman, no EXE, no robots. Shadow runs beside me and meets my gaze.

"You alright?" Shadow asks, I try and understand what happened, but I was too distracted by Amy and Shadow. "Wh-what happened?" I ask, my voice trembles, Shadow puts a hand on my shoulder to steady me. "You were hit by that EXE, but she suddenly vanished, it looked as if her touching you had destroyed her." Shadow replies, I stare at him, then back up, looking back at my friends.

Tails had landed his Tornado, he stands on its wing and looks down at me, worry clear in his ocean eyes. Amy is closer, her green eyes concerned but relieved, she puts her hands close to her chest. Knuckles stands and watches, his purple eyes betraying nothing, just like Shadow's. I look around, and then smile, putting my hands on my hips. "Alright, well, who's hungry?" I ask, Tails raises his hand, Amy smiles, and Knuckles replies with a simple nod. When I turn to look at Shadow, he is gone. Of course, that edgy black hedgehog never wants to celebrate victory, only growl at it.

Unknown Spectator (Sonadow, Sonic EXE)Where stories live. Discover now