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You're that person who watches us, right? Sonic calls you a creep, he says you continue this, you play the key role. If you leave now, nothing will happen, and I mean it, this pain and suffering will all suddenly stop. We will stop, life will stop. But here you are, still watching, do you laugh too? Or eat while we can barley have time to take a breath? What is our suffering to you?


Pacing back and forth, I take into consideration that Rouge and Tails are sitting at Sonics dining table, watching me. They don't say anything, they don't bother to ask how I feel. They know I will just ignore them. Oh Sonic, what have you gotten yourself into this time. That blue idiot is always finding a way to put himself at risk, even for the satisfaction of others. I continue to pace, letting my thoughts drown me in a never-ending pool, like I'm just too short to reach up for air, and at this point, I have stopped trying.

"Shadow. Do you like Sonic?" Tails' voice snaps me back to reality, I stop so suddenly, it brings silence to everything existing around. I stare forward, knowing both the bat and the foxes gaze are on me. Why must he ask this? Is it because he heard Cream? Is it because he saw my face actually show such a hard emotion that you could see it miles away? Or is he curious, he is after all Sonics best friend, brother, if you wish to say. But the question rattles in my ears. The sight of the blue hedgehog under my tender care always brings me satisfaction. The sound of his laughter gives me a hope that everything is okay. The smell of lemon whenever he is around soothing and fresh. And the feel of his hand caressing my pristine quills warming my body. Do I like him?

I draw my head up and stare at Tails, making sure my eyes betray none of my careful thoughts. "Depends, what's the definition you refer to?" I ask, Tails leans back in his chair, his two long tails sticking out from the back. "Love." He replies. I keep my gaze on the fox, seeing from the corner of my eye that Rouge has looked up from her phone, looking right at me. I take in a breath, letting it out sharply. The feeling of him touching me, the smell of him, the sight of his blue fur from a distance...His voice... I sigh, crossing my arms. "Yes. Yes I do." I reply, Tails shows no judgement in his ocean eyes, he just nods and leans back, knowing if the chair falls, his tails will catch him.

For once, I am not judged. Tails didn't laugh and say "yeah right, good luck with that" before running off to tell Sonic. Instead, he just reacted as if I had told him the weather tomorrow. I know he won't tell that Faker, he is too kind, too loyal. Even if I despise working with his team, he does care, and so would I if he ever told me something he wanted kept locked deep away. Its just not many mobians believe I am willing to listen to them.

Rouge looks on her phone and smirks. "I'm glad you've come to the realisation, Shadow." She says, I look over to her. Rouge would listen to my darkest songs, she has only tried to make me sing them, never forcing me. I nod solemnly to her, I reach into my quills and feel a piece of paper, I take it and stare. It's a photo, a very special photo in fact. For it holds my dear Maria. The girl who taught me these feelings, who showed me how to identify myself. I stare at her, its black and white, hiding her blonde hair and beautiful blue dress, and her blue eyes. I miss her, but she will never come back, and I know she'd be proud of who I am now, even if I come of "grumpy" or "edgy". I will always be there to help those who cannot help themselves.

I hear a door open and close, then footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Its night, and fortunately, Sonics house is pretty big, so as Sonic was strapped into his bed, everyone agreed to take a room, or share a room, for the night. Everyone should be asleep, Silver left Sonic alone and went to his spare room with Blaze. I only allowed Tails to stay up because I fear what Sonic can do while in his unstable state, and the fox can't seem to shut his eyes knowing that his big brother is extremely sick. Rouge, well- she's a bat, nocturnal as she is, she doesn't wish to sleep, and I don't force her too. And me? I have to stay alert, for Sonic, and for everyone. Sleep is not my friend and I don't wish to try to reason with it.

Unknown Spectator (Sonadow, Sonic EXE)Where stories live. Discover now