chapter 8: all of the beautiful things i regret

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chapter photo creds: @sn-trix-stuff on tumblr
title from making the bed by olivia rodrigo

a/n: whew. this chapter is a dooozy. cw for hashtag blood and violence! for all my badass rarity lovers this one is for you.


October 2023

The plan was relatively simple. Sunset and Applejack would be the ones to visit the Order's headquarters while Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity would wait in the van right outside.

Applejack had a bad feeling twisting around in her gut. The hunters that Fluttershy claimed to have tried to kidnap her were no doubt hunters from this organization.

"Hey," Sunset says, her voice bringing Applejack back to the present. "You ready?"

They were in the heart of Atlanta now, parked outside of an old brick building. Applejack made sure she had Cadence's note in her back pocket and a small switchblade in her other, just in case.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Applejack nods.

She slides the van's door open and steps out, meeting Rarity's eyes from where she was seated in the back.

"Play nice with Rainbow," Applejack teases, but Rarity only shoots her a glare.

"Be careful," she says in place of a retort. "Don't do anything rash."

Applejack lifts both hands in mock defeat. "Always careful."

Rarity rolls her eyes but Applejack can see her press her lips together in a tight line to suppress a smile, and it makes Applejack want to kiss her.

When she and Sunset approach the front doors, someone is already there opening it. A man dressed in all black stands in front of them.

"Note," he says gruffly, and Applejack hands him the letter that Cadence had given them before leaving Boston.

The man reads through the letter before nodding and stepping aside. Sunset and Applejack share a glance and make their way inside the building. The door shuts behind them with a loud thud, and Applejack's stomach twists with the same bad feeling.

"Try not to get separated," Applejack whispers to Sunset as they follow the man through dimly lit corridors. "This isn't our turf."

Sunset gives her a confused look. "This is our sister organization, AJ. I don't see a reason not to trust them."

They enter a small office where a tall woman with thick blonde hair sits at a desk. The man hands her Cadence's letter and reads it, humming to herself.

"You may leave," she nods to the man, and he makes himself scarce.

The woman puts the letter down and gives them both a smile that is too sweet for Applejack's liking. "Welcome to Atlanta. I hope your stay has been fine."

Applejack doesn't dare mention what happened at the gas station. "It's been alright. But we're not here for sightseein'."

"Straight to the point, I see." The woman raises her eyebrows. "I'd at least like to know your names."

"I'm Sunset Shimmer," Sunset says, shooting Applejack a look that says stay calm. "I'm Cadence's second. Excuse my friend, Applejack. She tends to be blunt."

"No harm done. My name is Adagio," the woman says. "And if you want to get down to business, I'll give it to you plainly. We can't risk giving you those files."

Applejack freezes. "Why not?"

Adagio waves them off. "It has nothing to do with you. It's just the information there... we can't risk anyone undoing the hard work we've done."

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