chapter 16: tell me why my gods look like you

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chapter photo creds: @lionetta on tumblr
title from 1950 by king princess

a/n: SOOO SORRY for the small hiatus guys, but i promise this book will not be discontinued. Updates might just be a bit sparse for a few weeks. But anyways, here's the chapter! We're getting to the point where I have a loootttt of flashback scenes to cover compared to present day scenes so make sure you're paying attention to the dates :) We're going to be skipping past several years each chapter, so buckle up and enjoy!


June 1927

Applejack could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she rounded the corner of the alleyway. From the sound of footsteps not too far behind her, she could tell that the vampires were right on her heels. Thankfully, she catches a glimpse of an open window in the distance, and using the wooden crates and trash bins around her, Applejack propels herself upwards, quickly climbing through the opening. It gives her just the right amount of time to lead them right where she wants them.

Applejack skids to a stop when she reaches a dead end, and when she turns around, three vampires are attempting to corner her.

"Look what we have here," one of them says. "Thought you could take us all at once, little hunter?"

Applejack's grip on her stake tightens. "Y'all underestimate me."

The vampires aren't able to get another word out before Applejack lunges at them. They seem surprised at her agility, and Applejack can't blame them. She's quicker than most humans now, stronger too. It's been years since she'd first felt the effects of the soul bond, but sometimes she still surprises herself. She takes the first vampire down without breaking a sweat, pulling the stake out of its disintegrating body just in time to plunge it through the chest of the second one.

The third vampire uses her thick boot to kick Applejack backwards, making her drop the weapon in her hand. She tries to scramble for it before it rolls away but the vamp nudges it away with her foot.

"Shame," the creature shakes her head, her tongue clicking in mock disappointment. "So useless without your little toys. Too bad none of your friends came to rescue you."

Applejack's mouth slowly unfurls into a small smile. "Have I introduced you to my wife?"

The vampire's expression shifts into one of utter confusion, until Applejack watches a stake run right through her form. With a pained cry, she collapses to the ground, her body going from solid to dust in a matter of seconds.

Rarity stands in front of her now, a pleased look on her face. She walks over and extends a hand to Applejack, helping her up. "And you call me dramatic."

"Maybe you're just rubbin' off on me,'' Applejack shrugs, wrapping an arm around Rarity's shoulders. Adrenaline is still coursing through her veins after the encounter. "Thanks, Sugarcube."

"That was a close one," Rarity says, lips pressing into a tight line. "Be more careful next time, alright?"

"Don't you go worryin' too much about me." Applejack tries for a smile. "I've been fine all this time, haven't I?"

Rarity still doesn't look thoroughly convinced, but she seems to drop the subject regardless, offering a smile back and leaning into Applejack's touch. It doesn't take long for them to find their way out of the building, especially now that they weren't worried about fending off a pack of vampires.

They stop by the Order's building before heading home, just to report back to Luna after their small mission. The director is busy reading through dusty old books when she and Rarity enter the office, barely even looking up or making any indication that she's listening as Applejack recounts the events of the night.

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