chapter 22: look what we became

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chapter photo creds: tcn1205 on tumblr
title from "favorite crime" by olivia rodrigo

a/n: this chapter is alllll flashback. we're finishing up the flashback timeline and it's also angst central so buckle up!!


August 1985

Applejack was a woman of her word, and kept the promise that she would take better care of herself– a goal that included leaving the Order for what she thought would be for good. She was able to stay away for a solid seven years, in which she spent her days back on a farm outside of Nashville. She worked for local farmers, doing odd jobs around their land; anything from repairing barn doors to feeding chickens.

For a while Applejack was content, but after year five maybe, she began to feel that familiar itch. Every so often she would see vampire hunters out and about. Sometimes she would even catch them in action, something that made Applejack feel even more useless. So she moved towns again, and again, going from place to place trying to find a purpose she felt she'd lost a long time ago.

Eventually, she ends up back on the east coast, in the big city of New York. She rents out a small apartment downtown, a place similar to the one she had back in Atlanta, albeit much more modern. It takes her a minute to become acclimated to being back in the city, but she makes do.

Nowadays, it was harder to get a job without some sort of academic degree or extensive work experience, so Applejack finds herself working as a barista at a downtown dive-bar. The hours are awful but the pay isn't too bad, and plus, it distracts Applejack from the monotony and lack of purpose that has recently taken over her life.

Applejack is working the midnight shift when the impossible happens. Or at least she thought it was impossible– because from across the bar she sees a group of women laughing around a table, a fresh round of drinks in their hands. Among them is a face Applejack could never forget, not in a thousand years. It almost makes her want to laugh, the sheer coincidence of it all.

How was it that she and Rarity always seemed to find their way back to one another?

Rarity was wearing a blue velvet cocktail dress that was doing absolute wonders for her. The only thing different about the woman is her hair. It's much shorter than it was the last time they were together, her curls cut just above her shoulders. She's still the most beautiful woman Applejack has laid her eyes on. That was probably the one thing in her life that would cease to change.

Applejack isn't sure how long she stands behind the bar staring, but eventually Rarity's eyes scan her surroundings as if she could feel she was being watched, surveying the small crowd of people that were gathered for the evening, until her gaze promptly lands on Applejack. Rarity squints, shakes her head, before her eyes widen in recognition. Applejack lifts her hand to wave.

After turning to say something to her friends, Rarity gets up from the table, smooths out her dress, and heads towards the bar. So Applejack straightens up, ignoring the growing blush on her cheeks or her rapid heart rate, and tries to act as casual as she can. Unfortunately, when she and Rarity come face to face, it feels as if the wind has been knocked out of her.

"You're here," Applejack says in bewilderment.

Rarity smiles a little shyly. "Hello to you too, Applejack."

"How–" Applejack leans forward against the bar. "How long have you been in town? How long have you been in the country?"

"I left London months ago, but I've only been in New York a couple weeks."

"Well, it's good to see you," Applejack grins. "It's been forever."

"It truly has. When does your shift end?" Rarity asks.

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