chapter 20: make me your future history

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photo creds: on insta
title from renegade by taylor swift

a/n: this chapter is longer than usual. i packed a bunccchhh of stuff into it. it's my treat for being all over the place with updates. i hope you all enjoy!



December 1967

Applejack was tossing and turning in Rarity's guest bedroom, alternating between laying flat on her back and laying down with her face buried into the pillow. Rarity had only offered the guest bedroom because it was much more spacious compared to Rarity's own, which was nearly filled to the brim with fabrics and mannequins.

(truly, Applejack wouldn't have minded, but she did not have the guts to say it at the time)

Almost as if she had summoned her, Applejack perks up when she hears a faint knock at the door, accompanied by the sound of Rarity's voice calling out her name. Applejack slides her legs off the bed and opens the door to find Rarity, clad in her nightgown, standing there holding some extra pillows and blankets.

"The guest bedroom is a little sparse," she explains, handing over the armful of stuff. "It can get terribly chilly at this time of year."

"Thanks," Applejack says. "Appreciate it, really."

Rarity nods, almost seeming a little shy, but Applejack doesn't mention it. "Of course. If you need anything else I'm–" she gestures to the room across the small hallway. "I'm just over there."

"Got it." She offers a smile, and a quiet (awkward) silence washes over them.

"Well, goodnight then," Rarity finally says, "Sleep well, Applejack."

She barely has any time to respond because Rarity is already turning on her heel and heading back to her own bedroom. With a sigh, she sets up her new pillows and blankets and climbs back into bed. It takes her less than five minutes to realize how incredibly stupid this situation is. Rarity is her wife for god's sake, and even if they haven't seen each other in years, they still have decades of history together.

The realization trumps whatever doubts she'd been having, and she gets out of bed once again and heads towards the door. She opens it with the intent of making a beeline straight for the room across the hallway when she finds herself face to face with Rarity herself. Rarity's hand is partially raised, as if she were moments away from knocking, but she drops her hand as soon as Applejack appears.

"Rarity," Applejack says, dumbfoundedly. She can't seem to think of anything else to say.

"I thought maybe," Rarity looks anywhere but right at Applejack. "We could keep each other company tonight?"

Applejack steps out of the way and nods. "I'd like that."

Rarity walks in and Applejack closes the door behind them. It feels strange and familiar all at once, the way that they both climb into bed together like they've done millions of times before.

Despite the years of separation, they still seem to fit together perfectly. It's a little awkward at first, wrapping her arms around Rarity again. They're both still a little stiff and unsure, but Applejack would prefer this over nothing.

The nerves settle the second that Rarity whispers– "I missed this."

"I missed you," Applejack responds, and sees the hint of a smile on Rarity's face as she shifts closer.

"I missed you too."


February 2024

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