chapter 14: this could either break my heart or bring it back to life

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chapter photo creds: @tcn1205 on tumblr
title from "electric touch" by taylor swift


December 1918

They drive towards the city as soon as the sun sets below the horizon. Their bags have been packed since the night they tried to leave the first time, sitting in the trunk of Applejack's truck until they'd decided how to move forward. She can see the city skyline from miles off, even in the dead of nighttime. Applejack doesn't think she's seen so many lights in one spot in her entire life.

She turns to Rarity who was staring out the passenger side window. "Have you ever been?"

"Not to Atlanta, no." Rarity hums to herself. "I've always wanted to visit, though. It's gorgeous."

Rarity looks astounded by the sights, and it may be one of the first times that her face has brightened up in the past few days. Slowly, Applejack thinks, she'll be back to her old self in no time.

"It is," Applejack smiles, but her eyes don't stray from the other woman's face. Rarity catches on to Applejack's undertone almost instantly, shooting her a raised eyebrow but a smile in return, nonetheless.

Unlike her hometown, the city was still bustling with energy after the sun went down. As she drove the truck down one of the busier streets, she could see crowds of people wandering the city, entering and leaving different establishments that were open into the late hours of the evening.

Applejack takes another look at the slip of paper she'd left on the dash, reading over the address scribbled there. It led them to a large brick building in the heart of the city that looked relatively new compared to other places.

"Is this it?" Rarity asks while Applejack finds a nearby alley to park the truck.

Applejack shuts off the engine. "Believe so."

They step out of the truck and move quietly towards the closest entrance. Applejack knocks twice before the door opens. A young woman stands there, looking both of them over before leading them inside the building. Unlike the rest of the city, the hunters' base of operations was relatively quiet during this hour of the night.

Applejack doesn't think anyone says a word to either of them until they reach the door to the director's office. Applejack reaches to squeeze Rarity's hand before pushing open the office door. The director sits at her desk, and two other vampire hunters stand on either side of her.

"I've been expecting you."

Applejack's eyes snap up to meet Luna's. She does not flinch. "Sorry 'bout the hold up. We had an emergency back home."

"What kind of emergency?" Luna asks.

"Vampire emergency," Applejack explains, "You see, I–"

"Stop." Luna stands from her chair and makes her way around the desk. She inspects Rarity with a close eye and Applejack senses the moment that Luna clocks her as a threat. "I've been killing vampires for a long time, Applejack. You think I wouldn't notice you bringing one into our ranks?"

"She ain't like the rest of them. She was gonna die and turning her was the only way."

Luna shakes her head and steps back, leaning against her desk, and Applejack notes that she looks more agitated than angry. "Do you understand what you've done? You've subjected her to a life worse than death."

Applejack opens her mouth to respond, but she's sidetracked by the way she feels Rarity stiffen beside her.

"Might as well get this over with," Luna grumbles as she pulls out her own stake, but before she can take a single step closer to Rarity, Applejack places herself in between them.

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